Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Colossians 2: Christ is Sufficient Over All Human Tradition



The Apostle Paul delves deeply into the richness of Christ's work and the fullness of the believer’s life in Him. This chapter stands as a powerful reminder to Christians of the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ over all human traditions and philosophies. Paul warns against being led astray by deceptive teachings and emphasizes the importance of being rooted and built up in God who dwells bodily in Jesus. The Rev. Samuel Powell, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Jefferson City, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Colossians 2. Paul's letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians contain a wealth of theology and practical guidance for living out the Christian faith. Ephesians unpacks God's overarching plan of salvation and our identity in Christ, calling us to unity and holiness in the Church. Philippians overflows with joy, encouraging us to imitate Christ's humility and develop spiritual maturity. Colossians stresses Christ's preeminence and sufficiency, warning against fa