Westminster Presbyterian Sumter

Kingdom Prayer (Matthew 6:7-13)



Join Pastor Stuart for the fourth lesson in our series, Living on a Prayer. This week, we return to the Gospel According to Matthew 6:7-13 as we examine the idea of . . . "Kingdom Prayer". In this lesson, we see: Our prayers are to be kingdom-minded. Broadly speaking, the kingdom can be understood as God’s reign over creation. In a more specific sense, the kingdom is the renewed order in which God’s reign is obvious and unchallenged. So when we pray “your kingdom come,” we are basically praying for a new creation in which sin and its curse are no more. The good news is that Jesus has already inaugurated this kingdom and will consummate it at his return. Therefore, we ought to pray for the full expression of God’s kingdom on earth. You can learn more about Westminster Presbyterian Church at https://www.westminsterpca.net. Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m. at 230 Alice Drive, Sumter, SC! Find us on social media at @WPCSumter.