Tranquil Tirades

Tranquil Tirades 05: The Room



And now what you've all been waiting for. Perhaps the most hoped-for review in history. Relax and enjoy as James, Damien, and Mike take on one of the worst movies of all time: Tommy Wiseau's The Room. It can't be put into strong enough words how much this movie sucks. Let us pull you into a world of horrific sound editing, putrid dialog, and even worse acting. Filming of this movie must have been like having a screwdriver slowly twisted into your ear little by little. Only, the screwdriver is dipped in a lovely cocktail of battery acid and rubbing alcohol beforehand. Of course, Wiseau would have you believe this is all part of some genius "black comedy." Little by little, we think you'll understand why this film is so legendarily awful. So what are you waiting for, get to clickin'!