Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 72: Unrealistic Actions Are Your Superpower



Unrealistic Actions Are Your Superpower In this episode, We will chat about “Goal Setting” and why most people are doing it all wrong. Hint: I will simplify the process for you and give you the GPS for goal achieving success. Power Takeaways From This Episode: 1. Your goal-setting machine is broken. I’ll show you how to fix it. 2. Why your goals are too small. 3. The reason you aren’t getting the things out of life you desire. Hint: your pan is too small 4. I will reveal the Kryptonite to your goals and dreams. 5. Time is passing with or without the best version of you. 6. Whatever you do, stay in your damn lane. 7. Unrealistic Actions are your SUPERPOWER. If you like more information, tips, and strategies to gain mindset mastery, join my FREE Facebook group. Join the FREE ~ Wellness Lab Launch Pad