Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 59: It's Not A F#@king Diet



"It's not a fucking diet!" Sorry about using the "D" word so boldly. I know that word carries a lot of power and creates negative feelings for most of you. And rightly so! If you're anything like me and 100% of my clients, you've tried a diet or diets and FAILED every single time. Why, because that's precisely what diets are set-up for you to do, FAIL. The concept of the "diet" is flawed from the get-go. Here are the stages of the diet: *Bold declaration of new eating pattern with a set start and end date, inset Keto, Paleo, Low-Carb, No-Carb, Dr. ________, Book I read, Internet guy/gal I follow that is super fit, etc... *Clean out fridge and pantry of all the junk. *Go to store spend a boatload of money on a bunch of green stuff you'll never eat. *I Forget, elaborate Facebook/IG post about your new diet that is going to be the one that changes it all for you. Insert #thisismyyear *10 days later, the green stuff is gross and starting to smell up the fridge, so you throw it away and go to the store to repurcha