Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 5x08: "How We Get to Peace"



Et Tu, Bro-té????? Welcome to our episode recap of “How We Get to Peace,” an episode that was far superior to its weirdly clunky title. But HOLY WORM EXPLOSIONS, BATMAN, what a ride! Apologies in advance that this one’s going up mostly unedited, because it was another weird schedule week, but we didn’t want to make you wait any longer for the chance to come flail with us about all the CRAZY SHIT THAT WENT DOWN. Kara Cooper gets the John-Hurt-in-“Alien” treatment, times a billion! McCreary is back to fuck shit up! Indra gets demoted! Kane is a godfather now! Echo and Raven are friends again! Emori is done being jerked around! Monty and Harper are PEACING OUT (literally)! Abby solves the medical mystery! Bellamy says “mama bear” out loud! Miller is kind of a dick! Vinson is kind of a bro! WORMS ARE EVERYWHERE! Teenage Diyoza used to make out under the bleachers! And Octavia finally gets outplayed at her own game when Big Brother does the one thing we all believed he’d never, ever do! EVERYTHING HAPPENS S