Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Kabby Roundtable With Special Guests!



Starved for Kabby content since there’s no new episode tonight? WE GOT U, FAM! After many delays caused by travel, book deadlines, and the sheer nonstop vexation of attempting to edit out the background noise caused by recording in a Los Angeles Airbnb with woefully thin walls, THE KABBY ROUNDTABLE PODCAST IS FINALLY HERE! Claire is joined by returning Meta Station guests Brittany of The Afictionados (@brittania_, @theafictionados) and Samantha of TellTaleTV (@samcaseys, @TellTaleTV_) along with new guests Jenn (@abigriffins) and Emily (@ifollowedfires) for three hours of everything from plot analysis to high-pitched squee-flailing on every aspect of the glorious wonderfulness of Season 5 Kabby. We’ll get real about Abby’s addiction storyline, spin some conspiracy theories about weddings and babies, roast each other lovingly on the pronunciation of “Eligius,” and painstakingly catalog every Kabby hug, kiss and touch to unpack our emotions about it. COME JOIN US P.S. if you missed the Bellarke roundtable