Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 4x02: "Heavy Lies the Crown" - Part 1



RILEYS AND GENTLEMEN! Welcome back to Meta Station, where we are joined by a special guest - the wonderful Jo Garfein, host of The Dropship and our IRL friend after we spent an awesome weekend hanging out together at Unity Days. This is technically part 3 of 2 (yes, you heard that right); we recorded the Polis and Arkadia half of the podcast with Jo, then the Farm Station half after she left, but then had some major technical glitches and re-recorded with Jo again two nights later. So this is our second attempt at a conversation among the three of us, and in order to get it uploaded on time, it has not been edited very heavily; we apologize in advance for how often we say "um" PLEASE DON'T HATE US Stand by for Part 2, coming up next! 0:00 - Intros: SECOND VERSE, SAME AS THE FIRST! Also Jo Garfein Is Here, Thanks Be to Riley 0:02 – Blue Butterflies and Creepy AI’s: Welcome to Ilian’s Hippie Commune 0:09 – It Took Less Than Ten Minutes For Jo to Bring Up the Fact That Claire Still Hasn’t Watched “Lost”