Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 4x01: "Echoes"



Welcome back to Meta Station, for the first of our weekly Season 4 recaps! We're crazypants excited about this episode and can't wait to yell about it with you! And don't forget to stop by the "Outtakes" playlist for bonus content from this episode; we talked for about 45 minutes about that Kane/Bellamy scene, and also did some giggling about Roan's dorky crown. You can find all that fun here - -------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 – *Octavia Blake voice* WE’RE BACK, BITCHES! 0:03 – The Jasper of It All: Dear Show, Please Don’t Fuck This Up 0:13 – Erin Gets Real About Mental Health 0:29 – Supergenius Raven + Bravenlarke Rising 0:33 – Hot Damn We Have a Lot of Jokes About Extended Warranties for Nuclear Power Plants 0:38 – We Would Like to Place an Order for One Backstory with a Side of Plot Agency for Har