Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Unity Days Recap (Featuring Tons of Special Guests!)



Welcome back to Meta Station! We’re back from the magnificently delirious weekend of nerd fun which was Unity Days 2017, and we’re here to tell you all about it! Joining us are special guests Brittany Rae and Robyn Jeffrey (formerly of The Giantist, now co-hosts of the Afictionados podcast network) and Sam Coley of TellTaleTV, who – along with The Dropship’s Jo Garfein – were our fellow panelists for the Unity Days Friday night Meta Panel, where we answered fan-submitted questions and meta prompts about the show. For those of you who missed the fun live, we’ll recap our weekend experience, from the best questions we got at the panel to our favorite cast member encounters to the most exciting season 4 tidbits we picked up along the way. We also got way too many meta questions submitted to answer live at the panel, so we’re recreating the magic here and answering a few more of our favorites on air that we weren’t able to get to at Unity Days, discussing everything from Hogwarts to My Little Ponies. And sta