Calvary Chapel Sydney

Philip Lai - Luke 9:37-62 Living in the Kingdom of God



Luke wrote his account of the life of Jesus Christ so that Theophilus would have ‘certainty of those things in which you were instructed’ (Luk 1:4). In describing what Jesus did and taught, Luke shows both His divine nature and humanity. Learning about His character should cause us as His followers to consider how our lives reflect upon and glorify Jesus in this fallen world. In this passage from Luke chapter 9, Luke describes a number of events where Jesus is interacting with His disciples and with those in need. The pre-eminence of Jesus Christ to change people’s lives is evident through He alone having the authority and power to cast out a stubborn demon. Jesus also explains what living in the Kingdom of God involves which is in stark contrast to many human rules for earthly living. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and having our minds renewed according to His ways (Rom 12:1-2) requires submission to the true eternal King and enables us to truly honour and serve Him as citizens in His kingdom. Verses in order