The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

448: Performance Appraisals



How did it go in the last episode working on Performance Alignment?  This week we look at one of the most difficult areas of leadership – assessing others’ work performance.  This whole process is important because it leads to promotions, bonuses, bigger responsibilities and also to people being deleted from the enterprise.  No wonder each side of the table finds this process stressful.   Employees become nervous in this situation and bosses can also feel very uncomfortable.  There is nothing worse than having to let people go who have been in your team, unless they are completely hopeless or evil. That is rarely the case.  We are usually having to fire people who are average or slightly below average, who the big bosses have nominated for the cut.    I used to hate those department head meetings, where the whole population of the organisation is plotted on a bell curve of performance.  By definition, a group of people will be in the bottom 10% and that will include your own team members at different times.