The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

447: How To Get Performance Alignment



Organisations are made up of many internal moving parts, so coordination becomes an important aspect of success in business.   Divisional rivalries, egos, personal competition, “not invented here”, the list goes on and on concerning factors which make it difficult to operate as one smooth functioning machine. There are also various external challenges we have to deal with like regulation changes, mergers and acquisitions among our competitors, natural disasters, market movements, etc.  As the leader we have to make sure we have solid alignment amongst the team members within what the company wants to achieve. There are eight elements to make sure we have alignment between the individuals and the organisation.   Vision and Mission Our Vision is our window to a brighter future and our goals for where we want to be.  Usually there are two visions.  We have the overall company vision at the macro level and then we have our unit vision, which is a subset of the broader enterprise vision. This is important becaus