The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

449: The Coaching Process for Leaders



One of the big differences in the job when you move up in the ranks into a leadership position is you are now responsible for others and their development.  That means we need to coach our team members by ourselves.  Yes, HR may be able to organise valuable training opportunities, but that still leaves our role to follow up on that training and also to do on the job coaching every day. To better understand how to coach others, let’s look at the Seven Step Coaching Process   Identify Opportunities There are five ways to identify opportunities for your staff to receiving coaching.   1. You identify an opportunity for another person. You notice a weakness in their current skill set or you notice they haven’t been trained for a certain part of the task or you give them a new task that they don’t have any experience with.   2. The person identifies an opportunity for themselves. The staff member finds they don’t know what they are doing or finds they can’t do the task well.  They may have little experience with