The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

451: The Leader's Time, Talent and Treasure



Meetings, email, social media, reporting, coaching, planning, performance reviews, firefighting, supervising re-work, the list goes on regarding where our leader time gets taken up.  Our talent got us into this illustrious position as the leader but do we have enough talent to sustain staying in this job over time.  Can we move up to an even higher position and what additional talent development would that take?  Are we investing enough of our treasure in ourselves, beyond anything the organisation may be providing?   I have the most powerful hand held tools at my command 24 hours a day.  I have access to the fastest communication tools ever produced.  I can access any information I want at lightening speed.  Do I feel I have more time?   Am I keeping up with the demands of business in this modern world of global interconnectivity and the global 24 hour work cycle?  In simple terms “no”.  If feel constantly pressured to do more, faster with less.  I have a continual anxiety about FOMO – Fear of Missing Out.