The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

453: How To Master The Art of The Delegation



This week we will look at becoming a master of delegation.   Delegation is a mystery for many leaders.  They don’t know how to get it to work properly, so they ignore its power. This is a busy life and business is becoming more and more complex each year.  The leader needs to delegate for a couple of reasons.     The most important one is to help their subordinates become ready to step up into their own leadership positions.  The fear that a subordinate will replace you is a misplaced concern in my view.  Every organisation is looking for leaders and if you can show you are a dynamite leader production machine then the organisation will give you a bigger job to spread that magic further.  For our own capacity to move up the ranks we need a replacement.  If there is no one to succeed us, then we will be kept right where we are.   The other reason for delegation is to make sure we are only working on the most high level tasks that only we can do.  If someone else can do it, then we should give it to them and gi