The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

457: Competing Perspectives On Leading



When we think about leadership what is the perspective we are taking?  There are many ways of thinking about this, but today let’s consider some different perspectives which create tension for us as leaders.  “Make sure everyone follows the rules and we will get ahead”, sounds like reasonable advice.  Compliance, regulatory rules, internal systems, standard operating procedures all push us in this “conform” direction.    “Break all the rules, innovate, practice shoshin – the beginner’s mind – and let’s start with a blank sheet of paper”, sounds like reasonable advice.  Freeing our people from group think, conformity, too many proscribing rules, pushes us in non-conformist directions.  How can we hold these two countervailing thoughts in our minds at the same time and lead others, all the while providing a clear direction?   Usually, we are promoted to leader because we followed the rules, did a brilliant job on our accountabilities and have proven we can be trusted.  We are told to take care of others now and