The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

459: We Follow Leaders Based On Their Values



Thrusting oneself into leadership positions usually relies on confidence, drive, capability and ambition.  All good stuff, but those are not necessarily the key reasons we follow someone.  Of course, if they lack confidence, then they are radio-active and won’t command any followship.  To take on the accountability of the leader, you need to have that inner drive and ambition to want to position yourself above others.  Finally, you have to have the goods. If you are not good at the business then you lack credibility, especially with smart, competent people.  However, these attributes are not enough.  The calibration by the team on whether they will follow you has a big values component.  We might initially be snowed by the confidence, drive, capability and ambition, but if we flag the values are not correct, then things fall apart rapidly.   We can admire leaders for what they have.  They could be physically attractive people, well dressed and bristling with the accoutrements of power.  The big house in a ton