The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

465: Leaders Must Sell The Need For Innovation



“It’s obvious, we need to be continually innovating”, we say to our team.  But is it obvious to them and do they believe it?  Also are they really interested or motivated to do anything about it? They may feel they are super busy already, with what they have on their plate.  Then, the boss turns up talking about better, higher, further, faster and the eyes start to glaze over.  “Here we go again”, they are thinking and recalling the last time this big innovation push petered out and went nowhere. Further, most people in Japan are not that keen on change, because with it comes risk.  We all get into our routines of work and we are comfortable and competent in the way we do things, so changing what we do now isn’t that attractive.  We are in our Comfort Zone and we like it right here thank you.   In order to sell the innovation idea to our team, there are some key stages we need to go through.  Now, counterintuitively, we have to remember that our innnovation design phase order is different to the presentation