The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

470: Guiding Principles Of Leadership (Part One)



We pick up ideas on leadership from multiple sources – books, training, articles, blogs, guidance from mentors and personal observation.  What we usually fail to do is compile them or collect them in one place.  This sporadic approach is also completed over a long time span, so we forget more than we retain.  Here are sixteen principles of leadership which we all know, but which we will benefit from by reminding us of what we have forgotten and by collecting them in one place.   The first step toward success is identifying our own leadership strengths. This is not what we do though is it?  We usually focus on what we are doing poorly.  That is looking into the past. By concentrating on our strengths, we can build on those and keep growing, rather than beating ourselves up about being less than perfect.   Communication is built on trusting relationships. But what builds trust in relationships?  Being fair with staff, vendors and clients is an integral part of this.  Recently we had a case where there was so