The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

469: Leader Outputs - Divorce, Awry Kids, Weak Finances And No Friend



Japan was decimated by the Pacific War and really struggled until they had the lucky break called the Korean War.  Suddenly the war required a lot of supplies and more importantly Japan was no longer seen as a pariah, but as a bulwark against communism. America began to pour money into the country to bolster its economic defences and keep it capitalist.  By 1960 things had improved to the point where Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda could make the doubling of the economy a realistic target.  The engine room of this turn around was the hard work of the Japanese people but it came at costs.  Fathers weren’t around because they were working all of the time and so the mothers had to take care of the kids in their absence.    Things have improved a lot since then.  Schools no longer operate on Saturdays and the same for most firms.  Fathers are more able to spend time with their children and more mothers are working too these days.  Karoshi – death from overwork is still a thing in Japan and “black companies” who explo