The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

474: Leaders, Not Just Managers Please



Over the last six months we have been getting a steady stream of enquiry for leadership training.  Covid induced working from home situations has revealed the gaps in the leadership abilities of people who are managers.  The two roles are actually different, but usually companies conflate them, to expect their managers to also be leading.  Did they give them any training to make this leap?  No. Yet they complain about their leaders are only managers and are not doing a good enough job.  There have also been cases where people have been elevated into supervisory roles or leadership roles from the ranks. Not only no training, there has been little or no OJT, the On the Job Training, which has been the core of all corporate training in Japan since the start of the post war period.  Onboarding and on the job training have been impacted by Covid because people are working from home.   Managers are focused on processes.  There are various interlocking processes within modern work which require one piece of work to