Proverbs 31 Ministires

"Made for This Moment" With Max Lucado



Do you doubt if you can really handle it all?  The headlines are disheartening; routines we just set seem like they'll be disrupted (again) at any moment and life seems so very unpredictable.  When your world seems to be spinning out of control, fear will tell you it's easier to hide from it all rather than face it. On this episode of the podcast, our dear friend — pastor Max Lucado — walks us through the book of Esther to show us that despite how we feel, we were made for this moment. Made to parent our children, reach our communities and be a light in the midst of darkness. In the moments when we feel like it's all too much, Max reminds us to bend our knees in prayer, open our Bibles to fill our hearts with Truth and look up to remind ourselves God hasn't left us. Related Resources:If this podcast ministered to you today, would you leave us a review on Apple Podcasts? Reviews help us reach more people, which helps us accomplish our mission of eradicating biblical poverty! Make sure you order Max's newest b