Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 399- Time



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  I turned 60 this week.  I am entering the senior years of my life.  Time is my most precious commodity.  Do I coast or push? Many people promise the fountain of youth through pills or procedures.  But I challenge you to take charge of your health now.  In reality, most modern medical procedures and pharmaceuticals patch problems rather than cure them.   The accumulation of metabolic waste begins to take its toll and diagnosis increase as do medications and ailments.   I believe the best way to eliminate metabolic waste and improve health is through plant based nutrition and movement. I want to share this secret with as many people as I can for my remaining years.  Would you like to join me as an outlier in health and wellness?   Standing decreases your risk of death and major cardiac events as noted in a recent publication that I will discuss.  Do you stand for 8 hours a day? Let me help you do a few calculations.  Excessive sodium intake results in vascular injury and h