The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

479: When The Leadership Student is Ready, The Teacher Appears



We are all exposed to leadership lessons throughout our lives, yet for most of the time we are unaware of them.  When we were children, we didn’t think about what it meant to be a leader. Adults were all seen as leaders and they seemed to be unassailable authority figures whom we had to obey. In sports, maybe we were selected as the captain of the team or maybe we weren’t, but either way we didn’t think too much about what it meant to be a successful leader. At University we might have taken on a leadership role in one of the varsity clubs, but we weren’t necessarily thinking about the intricacies of leadership.  We just went with what we had at that point.  The exception though were those students who had decided they wanted a life in politics and so they were very keen to exert their leadership muscles to pad out their resume for future requirements.   When we hit the workforce, we entered a hierarchical world of different pay levels and designated leadership positions.  As new entrants, we may have been gi