The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

478: Leaders Need To Have More Meals With The Team



Covid driving us all to work from home has been good for the commuter.  For Tokyo, many people typically face three hours a day in lost commuting time, standing around in packed train carriages, waiting to get to their office or getting back home.  That three hours is now being spent sleeping, playing with the kids, enjoying hobbies or working.  One of the major dilemmas is what happens after Covid has gone or is contained?  Every public opinion survey you read, says that the troops like working from home and are in no hurry to pack that morning sardine can and truck down to the office.  What does that mean for leaders?   Will there be many days in a year when everyone is back in the office?  Will the office have been sized down to save rent money on the basis that people won’t require desks because they have their home desk instead. If there are only going to be a few days in the year for the whole team to gather, then what happens with their relationships with each other and with the boss?  Some issues are