The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

482: Emotional Fitness For Leaders (Part Two)



In Part One we looked at Dr. Emily Anhalt research with 100 leaders and 100 psychologists.  She identified seven factors which measure how “fit” we are in this sphere of mental health and we covered the first three: Learn your emotional triggers and biases, understand the emotions of others and find comfort in discomfort.  Today we will continue with the last four points.   Foster a safe space of connection “Psychological safety” as a term has popped up over the last couple of years.  We all need a space where we feel we can be ourselves, where we can relax and let our guard down.  This could be within the family and circle of close friends.  Here is the rub.  Often as leaders we are too busy working to really develop family relationships and deep friendships.    Divorce rates are at about 50% in the West. A lot of this is due to the time being devoted to the work being disproportionate to the time being devoted to those closest to us.  We are constantly sacrificing family and friends for work projects.  I