The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

484: Remote Work Going Forward



Some company polices toward remote work are let a hundred flowers bloom, a thousand schools contend.  Others are saying get back in the office right now or leave.  This issue is certainly contentious and there seems to be a preference for Japanese leaders to have their staff under their direct gaze.  What is driving that desire?  Is it that the bosses can’t manage a remote workforce?  Is it that they don’t trust people to do their work under their own accountability?   Is it because they have seen a drop off in productivity?  Or is it because Japan doesn't like too much change and clings to the known, over the unknown?   There are certainly big bucks tied up in real estate costs, especially here in Tokyo.  I can easily imagine companies looking at that expense in their P&L and thinking we could really hack into that cost and use the money somewhere else more productively.  For the first time ever, my landlord didn’t increase my rent at lease agreement renewal time.  They must be really hurting to agree to