The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

493: The Seasons Of Leadership



When we first start out in business we are ninja boss watchers, studying our leaders with a level of forensic detail which is remarkable.  How is their mood today? Should I bring up that request or pick another day, etc.? We study how they lead, both the good, the bad and the ugly.  We are rarely mentally putting ourselves in their place, taking their viewpoint but we are quick to discuss the boss’s failing with our colleagues.  Then one day it happens and we are made someone else’s boss. The usual reason that happens is we have demonstrated some strong capabilities in the job we have.  The best salesperson, architect, engineer, accountant type of thing.  Rarely are we able to be a mediocre performer who is great with people, excellent in communication and get the next big job. This is where we hit our first snag, when we realise the people we are leading are not like us.  They don’t necessarily share the expertise in the things we are good at.  They may have young kids, elderly parents, a brilliant hobby, a