A podcast that reviews the evidence-based information about the impact our food choices have on our health, the animals, and the planet.
EP #34- Gaby's Plant-based Transition
18/03/2019 Duración: 21minOn this episode Noor interviews one of her best friends, Gaby, who decided to go plant-based a year ago. Tune in to find out what motivated Gaby to go plant-based, some struggles she was able to overcome during her transition, and how changing her diet has positively impacted her health. If you would like to support Gaby or Noor in their 40 mile fundraising run for the Climate please follow the links below: Gaby's Page: Noor's Page:
Ep #33- Meat Consumption and Weight Changes
10/03/2019 Duración: 23minOn this episode Noor reviews the results of a large epidemiological study conducted on meat consumption and weight changes. Tune in to find out if eating meat over the years helps with weight management or leads to weight gain. Reference: Meat Consumption and prospective weight change in participants of the EPIC-PANACEA study:
EP #32 - UPDATE: 4 Weeks on Chef AJ's Ultimate Weight Loss Program
10/02/2019 Duración: 28minOn this episode, Michael joins Noor to give an update on how they've been doing on the Chef AJ Ultimate Weight Loss Program. It's been a little over a month now that this couple has been following this plan, and they want to share the things they've learned while on this journey. Tune in to find out what they've enjoyed, the weight they've shed thus far, and some of the things they've struggled with while following the UWL program. Links to Share: (1) The Secret's to Ultimate Weight loss book:…ary/dp/1979414254 (2) Chef AJ's Ultiimate Weight Loss Program:…oss-program.html (3) California Balsamic: (4) Noor's Meal Prep for Chef AJ's UWL Video: COMING SOON (5) What I Eat in a Day on Chef AJ's UWL Video: COMING SOON
Ep #31 - Calorie Density and Obesity
28/01/2019 Duración: 31minOn this episode Noor covers a couple of studies focused on calorie density and the impact it has on weight loss, body mass index, and waist circumference. Tune in to find out what the literature has to say about how well low-calorie density programs, like Chef AJ's Ultimate Weight Loss Program, work for weight loss. References: (1) Dietary energy density and obesity - how consumption patterns differ by body weight status: (2)A low-energy-dense diet adding fruit reduces weight and energy intake in women:
EP #30 - One Week on Chef AJ's Ultimate Weight Loss Program
14/01/2019 Duración: 34minOn this week's episode, Noor is joined by her husband, Michael from the Two Broke Watch Snobs podcast. They talk about their experience on Chef AJ's Ultimate Weight Loss Program. Chef AJ's program is based on the concept of calorie density and eating a clean unprocessed plant-based whole foods diet - even excluding salt, oil, and of course sugar. It's been almost one week on this program and they have some difficulties, some wins, and some tips to share. Join them as they discuss this lifestyle plan that allows you to eat more and weigh less! Links to Share: (1) The Secret's to Ultimate Weight loss book: (2) Chef AJ's Ultiimate Weight Loss Program: (3)Chef AJ's Video What 400 Calories of each food looks like: (4) California Balsamic: (5) Noor's Pantry Clean-Up:
Ep #29 - Sugar's Impact on Cognitive Function and Emotions
31/12/2018 Duración: 24minToday's episode is all about sugar! Explore what Noor discovers in her readings on sugar's impact on cognitive function and emotions. References: 1. Acute hyperglycemia alters mood state and impairs cognitive performance in people with type 2 diabetes: 2. Effects of individual glucose levels on the neuronal correlates of emotions: 3. Fast Food Genocide: