Stepping Stones Church Norman, OK
Ugly American - Audio
06/03/2017 Duración: 25minThis world is not our home. We have no reason to act like ugly tourists. Out goal should be on get other into heaven as well.
Take the Wife Along - Audio
27/02/2017 Duración: 26minThis is not our world. Part of our focus should be on making sure that not only we get to heaven, but our family and friends get there as well.
Flying 1st Class - Audio
20/02/2017 Duración: 25minThis world is not our home. As we pass through we must remember that we, as Christians, are given a first class ticket by God, even thought we did not earn it or deserve it.
Vacation in Paradise - Audio
09/01/2017 Duración: 29minThis world is not our home. As we pass through there are things we encounter. Vacationing is part of our lives, but how we vacation in this world is a reflection of our eternal lives.
New Year 2017 - Audio
02/01/2017 Duración: 25minIt's a new year. A time for us to reflect on the past and look toward a new year.
Tis the Season to Submit to God - Audio
19/12/2016 Duración: 35minTis the season to submit everything to God. To give it all over to Him and submit to His will.
Tis the Season for Family - Audio
12/12/2016 Duración: 29minTis the season for giving and receiving. Jesus came to this world as a gift to us, to cast out our sins so that we may know the gift of the Heavenly Father.
For the Glory of God the Father - Audio
06/12/2016 Duración: 33minA message to encourage people during the Christmas season. Help for those who are struggling and a reminder for those who are doing well to remind them that there are those who are struggling. It is our responsibility to remind those around us that God is in control and He does love us.
God is in Control - Audio
27/11/2016 Duración: 30minThroughout the rebuilding of God's temple in Jersuselm, we see that God Has a Sovereign Plan, God Possesses Supreme Power and God in His infinite wisdom has Selected some Special People.
A Timeline of Restoration - Audio
20/11/2016 Duración: 29minGod's chief concern was not the brick and mortar and wood and trim that comprised the rebuilding of the temple. First and foremost, God wanted to see the relationship between Him and His people restored.
Don't Stop Now - Audio
13/11/2016 Duración: 32minThere are times we all want to quit. But God tells us if we stay the course He will be with us and He will reward our efforts.
Voting for Righteousness - Audio
30/10/2016 Duración: 45minIt is time for our country to stop voting based on emotion. It is time to stop voting based on rhetoric. It is time to stop voting based on what is in it for me. Time to start voting the Bible. Time to start voting God.
Sorry - Audio
16/10/2016 Duración: 32minWe often find it easy to say Sorry, but hard to actually mean it. In life we need to forgive in order to move forward. Forgiveness is the key to truly saying sorry.
What Does This Say About God - Audio
09/10/2016 Duración: 34minThe story of Gideon is one that is told often. But as we focus on the story, we have to look at the stories within the story. We need to have courage and fear not. Sometimes we have to move forward in courage.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Audio
02/10/2016 Duración: 28minIn life we all have to deal with conflict. How we handle that conflict says a lot about how we as Christians reflect God's word.
A Step that Stands - Audio
11/09/2016 Duración: 36minSometimes in life standing still is the strongest step you can take.
A Step Of Love - Audio
04/09/2016 Duración: 29minSometimes we need to take a step toward love, even when we don't feel like we want to. Love is a freewill choice, that God has given us freely and as such we too should give love freely.
A Step of Faith - Audio
28/08/2016 Duración: 37minSometimes in life we need to take a step of faith.