Jim Duke Perspective

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 286:26:03
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Jim Duke Perspective is a weekly show discussing Conspiracy Theories and Exposing the New World Order agenda. We also analyze Alternative News related to a conspiratorial perspective, from a Christian view. We discuss Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Secret Government projects, the Supernatural and occult, End Times prophecy, Signs of the Times, and share biblical insight. Features special guests periodically. Information going beyond the mainstream and your Sunday morning sermon. Airs LIVE Sundays at 7pm EST.


  • Johnny Cirucci: Pedocracy Exposed

    12/11/2018 Duración: 02h03min

    This episode is not for the soft-eared. We are addressing an important topic, exposing the pedophilia practices and rituals in society, and my guest Johnny Cirucci is the only one who can bring it to you like he does. We expose their dark deeds, tell you who the participates are, and who is behind them. Dignitaries, Priests, even Churches you never thought were involved. Why is pedophilia practiced by high officials and Luciferian families?Johnny's website is http://johnnycirucci.com

  • Laura Maxwell: The Illuminati Halloween Agenda

    28/10/2018 Duración: 01h23min

    Our guest Laura Maxwell explains how the Illuminati push the Halloween agenda to desensitize the public to occult rituals and paganism through the New Age beliefs. She discusses the progression in the 20th Century towards acceptance of occult witchcraft using Halloween and its imagery. She also gives her own personal experiences of having to denounce her participation in deliverance from it. There are many points made in this episode you do not want to miss!Sources:Laura's blog post on Halloweenhttps://ourspiritualquest.com/halloween-confessions-interviews-with-ex-satanists-and-other-ex-occultist-whistleblowers/Satanists Embrace Halloweenhttps://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-morris/church-satan-satanists-embrace-halloween?fbclid=IwAR1kzxVDFRjdi_aHmHG_e45elDQDqGo4J9L-e4HDawWYMJH1BfBXVjBGP30#utm_sourceMike Passio (not a Christian)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5a_m2k_V-8&feature=youtu.be

  • Steven Ben Nun: Host of Israeli News Live

    23/09/2018 Duración: 01h22min

    Steven Ben Nun host of Israeli News Live joins us with his insight on current news reports. We discuss the situation with the US, British, Russia, and China. He goes over the Syria conflict and pressure there and what it means in Bible prophecy. We talk about the influence of the Jesuits in the Middle East. Steve reveals who is behind Israel and running the agenda. And the facade of politics. He drops an exclusive about Trump that the public does not know, and why it was necessary for the evangelical community to get behind Trump for the agenda. And of course we will get his take on the New World Order and Mystery Babylon. He also throws in insider information about the dark side of CERN. You don't want to miss this one.

  • Gary Wayne: Bloodlines of the Royals

    09/09/2018 Duración: 01h54min

    Guest Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, returns with us to give us his insight on Bloodlines of the Royals, especially the Stuarts (Stewarts) and Windsors. Gary traces the origins of the royal families and how they became powerful monarchs. Answers of where their bloodlines come from, what makes them unique, and what their role is in society and in relationship with the Secret Societies and their agenda.

  • Mystery Babylon: New Atlantis, New Jerusalem, New World Order

    26/08/2018 Duración: 01h30min

    What is Mystery Babylon today? Which of the Secret Societies are on top of the pyramid? The perception of the Secret Society that is on top above the rest is argued over researchers according to which stands out as having the most influence towards the agenda. In this episode we bring our insight of the relationship between the Secret Societies and the New World Order, and how it is significant to Mystery Babylon. Our rational perspective will explore the various roles the Societies play on the plan for a New World Order headquarters in the overall scheme of things. And the power that charges the principalities and powers against the knowledge of God.

  • Woodstock CIA Counterculture, Pedophilia Priests in Pittsburgh

    19/08/2018 Duración: 01h45min

    The late 60s was a time of radical change. It was about self discovery, rebellion against the war machine, expression of free sex, drugs, and rock and roll. It was the celebration of life, New Age and spirituality. Woodstock in August of '69 became an anthem and a ceremony for this change. We will show how it had been deliberately manufactured by Elitists as an experiment to change society. Was the counterculture a psyop agenda by the CIA and other social engineers to leap society in the arms of Globalization and the New World Order? Our discussion dissects this time and how it was one of the biggest influences for the change in society. But was actually a CIA psyop to change our thoughts and bring us “back to the Garden.” In this episode we also give an update on the Pedogate situation of Catholic Priests in Pittsburgh under investigation for child abuse. What is the agenda of the Jesuit Church to allow this to come forth?Sources used:CIA and Vatican Intelligence Apparatushttp://churchandstate.org.uk/2013/04

  • Alex Jones Ban, Psyops and Controlled Opposition

    12/08/2018 Duración: 01h38min

    Is Alex Jones a victim of censorship of truthers? Or is it some sort of false flag to condition us, and further divide and synchronize truthers to the conditioning, and render us paralyzed? Alex Jones seems to have given us much inside information and research. However he is also suspected of being a controlled opposition of the Elite by some in the Truther Community, only allowed to go just so with his information to control its conclusion. In this episode we analyze the message of the ban and discuss what really may be going on here. And what we know about how the Elite control the situation. Could we all be next?

  • Occult History of NASA

    29/07/2018 Duración: 01h20min

    NASA claims its intent is to study the universe and give answer to the ultimate question, “Are we alone?” To find the answers to our origin of life and collecting proof that there is a vast universe going beyond what the scriptures can tell us. However, we find it has another purpose, one more suspicious and devious. To not only funnel funds as an excuse to continue experimentation and exploration, but to conduct Satanic Sex Rituals and provide propaganda to deceive the public. But what is it trying to hide?We discuss the occult practices behind NASA and the men behind its science.

  • Power of the Jesuits with guest Johnny Cirucci

    15/07/2018 Duración: 02h03min

    In this episode guest Johnny Cirucci sets Jim straight on the significance of the power of the Jesuits. The Jesuits have a hand in politics, banking, and Secret Societies. Johnny brings his research forth to share his insight on this notorious group, the Society of Jesus, known as the Jesuits, and their influence in society and governments.How did they come about?Do they control the Freemasons and Illuminati?What is the role of the Black Pope?What are their ambitions?How much power do they have in the world?Johnny answers these questions and a whole lot more.Johnny Cirucci is a military man that after returning from deployment to Iraq, had questions who was really behind the powers of government. His intrigue caused him to look deeper into these things to find that the enemy was not only from outside, but also from within our own institutions. This led to Johnny writing "The Illuminati Unmasked." Since he has also written two other books, "Secret History" and "Eaters of Children."Johnny Cirucciwww.JohnnyCiruc

  • Greatest Mind Control Device in History

    08/07/2018 Duración: 01h12min

    Technology is advancing and it is more than just entertainment. We tend to think it was developed for our leisure. But it has a purpose. And you might not like it. Why was television developed? What is the greatest mind control device developed? We will discuss this on this episode.U.S. Patent - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitorshttps://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activityhttps://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148

  • True Faith of America's Founding Fathers

    01/07/2018 Duración: 44min

    What was the true faith of those involved in shaping America? We have been told that many were devout Christians, while some insignificant members may have been Freemasons. You will be shocked if you think that is true. In this episode we examine the founding fathers and what they believed in their private life according to letters, documents, and testimonies of others.We will look at Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, and Congressional Secretary at the time, Charles Thomson, the man responsible for the final design of the Great Seal of the United States.Also is an alternative explanation of the terms in the founding documents from a Masonic perspective that often uses Christian terminology as a cloak of their esoteric meaning.

  • Illuminati Plans, Zionist Agenda, Shift in the NWO

    24/06/2018 Duración: 48min

    This episode hits the historical agenda of the Illuminati, where they went in history to today. Also spoke on the Zionist agenda. And my speculation of the NWO headquarters once planned in America as the New Atlantis. The Zionists have planned infiltration of the Middle East through its political Zionist Israel for a New Jerusalem (not biblical New Jerusalem). Possible that the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem was a declaration that the Freemasonic and Israel headquarters have agreed to a common alliance in Jerusalem for the NWO. Not sure. But they will soon put their plan together (at least as God allows). Vatican is also involved and may head up Mystery Babylon. Although likely that will incorporate Gnosticism, mysticism, and Kabbalah. This show was jam packed with ramblings.

  • Conspiracy Theories That Are More Than Theory

    03/06/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    We examine the nature of conspiracy and specific conspiracy theories that are more than just theory. Some of the documents have been published, and evidences proving that something more than a mere coincidence of incidents have given fodder for tin-foil hat wearers to gain suspicion. The very discredit of conspiracies is a conspiracy initiated for the conditioning of citizens under the CIA's Clandestine Services in 1967.We will discuss:ChemtrailsJFK AssassinationCIA Control over MediaCIA Mind Control Experiments, like MKULTRAGov't SpyingAnd The IlluminatiHear past podcasts on the Conspiracy TheoriesJFK Assassinationhttp://jimdukeperspective.com/jfk-files-disclosed/9/11 Conspiracyhttp://jimdukeperspective.com/different-look-911-james-perloff/MKULTRAhttp://jimdukeperspective.com/r1512/Illuminatihttp://jimdukeperspective.com/r1508/Media Controlhttp://jimdukeperspective.com/media-propaganda-luciferian-agenda/Illuminati Control Streams of Informationhttp://jimdukeperspective.com/illuminati-controlled-information-h

  • 45 Goals of a Communist Takeover of America

    27/05/2018 Duración: 51min

    It has recently been revealed that a plot of Communism to takeover America was entered into a Congressional Report in 1963. The 45 Goals outlined in the report came from a book by Cleon Skouson called The Naked Communist, and entered by representative Hon. A.S. Herlong Jr. of Florida in 1963. We will discuss these goals on this episode.Here is a clip by Norman Dodd explaining the role of non-profit Foundations to indoctrinate students towards Communism.https://youtu.be/-6f5j1JzP6w?t=46m14sSource:http://cultureshield.com/PDF/45_Goals.pdf

  • Presidents Are Illuminati Controlled

    22/04/2018 Duración: 01h09s

    Politics is considered a dirty sector. Many get involved thinking they will change government, only to find they have been levered, used, and bribed. The Illuminati is believed to have a hand on every Presidential candidate, and pre-approve the elected official according to their control over the office. But had Trump somehow bypassed the electoral process to beat the Deep State and squeak through by accident? Or is he part of their big master plan? Does the Deep State control Trump as they do other Presidents? Has Trump likewise pooled his administration from controlled agencies, and why they are now getting fired? Part of the big picture, or is he really “draining the swamp?” We examine the political process and the suspicions of control over BOTH parties by an Oligarchy of bankers and Globalists, and the little room politicians have to go outside the narrative.In this episode:What is The Deep StateCan Anyone Be President?How politicians are controlledPolitical AgenciesTrump and the CFRBoth Parties controll

  • Socialism for NWO Indoctrination of Students

    08/04/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    A report says that nearly half of millennials prefer Socialism over Capitalism. Most students do not even know the meaning of Socialism. The Social Engineering agenda is a success. We discuss the Illuminati Socialist agenda for a New World Order, how Socialism has been indoctrinated in students through the education system and media, and what impact it has had on society.This episode includes:The report that Millennials prefer SocialismThe difference between Socialism and CapitalismThe Illuminati plan for the New World Order since 1776Political Agency created to infiltrate sectors of societyThe Education hijacked by the Foundations to indoctrinate students, as revealed by Norman Dodd, director of the Reese Committee in 1953, based on his findingsThe media propagandaLuciferian Society of Elitists

  • Fake Jesus

    05/03/2018 Duración: 01h28s

    Which Jesus do you know? There are variations of Jesus according to which group you have been associated with. A Freemason Jesus, a New Age Jesus, a Catholic Jesus, even an ecumenical Jesus. However, there is only one true Jesus. The others are a fake Jesus. The Bible gives the description of the true Jesus. But many groups counterfeit him for their own doctrinal purpose. Why is it important to know which one is authentic? Isn't just knowing about him enough? This episode goes through some of the variations and why they are dangerous.Sources:A Shriner's wordshttp://crossbearer-brian.tripod.com/id288.htm

  • Romantic Encounters with Ghosts and Aliens | Laura Maxwell

    04/02/2018 Duración: 01h25min

    Laura Maxwell is our guest and she explains ghosts and the infatuation with some who have turned from men to be with ghosts. In this episode she explains Spectrophilia, incubus and sucubus, and the fascination with ghosts in this day. And also Sleep Paralysis. We will explain what ghosts really are and also the dangers of such. And offer help for deliverance.NOTE: This episode replaces the dropped LIVE audio of the first take. This is a complete version.Laura Maxwellwww.ourspiritualquest.comLaura Maxwell gives her background and testimonyhttp://jimdukeperspective.com/ex-spiritist-laura-maxwell-deception-new-age-spiritualism/Sources:This Morning video of woman who had sex with Ghostshttps://youtu.be/1sWDCz5v1Vg

  • Secret Society in the FBI According to Senator

    29/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    Senator Ron Johnson made a blurb that he has inside intel that suggests there is a Secret Society operating within the FBI. Is he mistaking the Deep State for the ancient Societies that secretly control our government and its politicians behind the the scenes? Secret Societies seem to play a large role in government and society. We will look at the issues leading up to this accusation as well as the function of the FBI and Secret Societies.Secret Societies have been around since the beginning of time. It is just that mainstream has acknowledged them in a governmental agency. Does the FBI have a Secret Society? Or do the Secret Societies just have a presence in the agency?We explore the 7th Floor, the Deep State, and the Shadow Government and how they relate to Secret Societies.Sources in this episode:Johnson reveals Secret Society within the FBIhttps://www.intellihub.com/senator-ron-johnson-f-b-i-secret-society-group-conducted-offsite-meetings/Text Messages Between Lovers Losthttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2

  • Gary Wayne Discusses the Jesuits

    15/01/2018 Duración: 01h42min

    Researcher and author Gary Wayne joins us in discussion about the Secret Society known as the Jesuits. The Jesuits came on the scene in 1534 as the next Crusaders for the Roman Church. Who are they and how much power do they hold? Did they start the other Secret Societies as a front as some may think? Gary will answer many of these questions, and a whole lot more.Gary Wayne's website is www.Genesis6Conspiracy.com

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