Ada Bible Church Audio Podcast



Weekly teaching from Jeff Manion and other Ada Bible pastors.


  • Jesus and The City - The Synagogue


    Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: Acts 19:8-10 Pastor Aaron Buer discusses the spiritual breakthrough in first-century Ephesus. Through this conversation, we see three ways we can partner with God for spiritual breakthrough in our lives. We are challenged to have a plan, have the right attitude and endure faithfully. Acts 19:8-10

  • Jesus and The City - Keep Moving


    Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: Acts 19:1-7 Pastor Jeff Manion discusses the power behind Paul’s work in Ephesus. Through this conversation, we see God working through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are challenged to rely on the Holy Spirit to love and to serve those around us.

  • Jesus and The City - While You Were Away


    Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: Acts 18:24-28 Pastor Jeff Manion speaks about the examples of Apollos, Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus. Through this conversation, we see three ways God wants us to have a life that counts. We are challenged to embrace faithfulness and humility as the keys to making a difference.

  • Jesus and The City - The Ripple Effect


    Speaker: Jeff Manion and Aaron Buer Scripture: Acts 16:6-8, Acts 18:18-23 Senior Pastor Jeff Manion introduces the Apostle Paul’s heart for the city of Ephesus. Through this conversation, we see that Paul experiences some of the same things we do. We are challenged to consider the ripple effect of our life on those around us.

  • Just Don't - Look At Them


    Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 7:1-6 Pastor Aaron Buer talks about how to relate to others when we don’t see eye to eye. Through this conversation, we see three behaviors we need to avoid. We are challenged to avoid judgment without mercy, correction without self-awareness and helping without boundaries. Matthew 7:1-6

  • Just Don't - Look At This


    Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 6:19-34 Pastor Aaron Buer discusses Jesus’s warnings about treasure and worry. Through this conversation, we see that God can be trusted to take care of our needs. We are challenged to trade trust for worry and generosity for storing up treasure. Matthew 6:19-34

  • Just Don't - Look At Me


    Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 6:1-18 Pastor Aaron Buer talks about Jesus’s warning against doing things for attention. Through this conversation, we see God is concerned about what’s going on in our heart, not what we do for others to see. We are challenged to live for the approval of God and not those around us. Matthew 6:1-18

  • Two Ways - Two Foundations


    Speaker: Jeff Manion Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27 Pastor Jeff Manion talks about Jesus’s description of a life with a strong foundation. Through this conversation, we see that those who put into practice the teachings of Jesus can withstand the storms of life. We are challenged to not just listen to Jesus’s instructions, but live our life by them. Matthew 7:24-27

  • Two Ways - Two Trees


    Speaker: Jeff Manion Scripture: Matthew 7:15-23 In this message, Pastor Jeff Manion challenges us to evaluate the voices we listen to in our lives. We are encouraged to consider if their voices match Jesus’s teaching in the sermon on the Mount and if they display the fruits of humility, reconciliation and love. Matthew 7:15-23

  • Two Ways - Two Paths


    Speaker: Jeff Manion Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14 Pastor Jeff Manion concludes our time in the Sermon on the Mount in this series Two Ways. In this message Pastor Jeff Manion reminds us “the blessing is in the doing.” We are challenged to consider what we will do with all Jesus taught in his message on the hill. Matthew 7:13-14

  • Backward Blessing - Peace & Persecution


    Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 5:9-11 Pastor Aaron Buer concludes our series on the backward blessing of God. Through this conversation, we discover we reflect God’s character as we live as peacemakers and that the more we become like Christ the less we fit into this world. We are encouraged to remember what Jesus has promised for those who follow him in this backward life. Matthew 5:9-11

  • Backward Blessing - Merciful & Pure


    Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 5:7-8 Pastor Aaron Buer discusses the backward blessing of God. Through this conversation, we see interruption, debts and idols stand in the way of God’s blessing. We are challenged to live remove these barriers to experience God’s life of blessing. Matthew 5:7-8

  • Backward Blessing - Meek & Hungry


    Speaker: Aaron Buer Scripture: Matthew 5:5-6 Pastor Aaron Buer discusses Jesus’s teaching on the blessed life. Through this conversation, we see that the blessed life is a life of surrendering our strength to God and trusting him with our deepest needs. We are challenged to stop chasing and start trusting. Matthew 5:5-6

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