Cornerstone Church Kingston Podcast



Cornerstone Church Kingston podcast


  • Five Excuses for Our Rebellion

    04/02/2024 Duración: 48min

    As we begin a new series in the book of Judges, Tom preaches from Judges 1:1-2:5. In this passage we see the rebellion of the people of God. What possible reasons could they have for rebelling against God? We see their downward spiral in rebellion against God, his response to them, and what it all means for us today.

  • Life on the Clock: Two Church Priorities for the Time We've Got Left

    28/01/2024 Duración: 54min

    In the last of our sermon series, Tom preaches from Colossians 4:2-18. Making the best use of time prompts a crucial question: what should we prioritise in the limited time we have? In this passage, Paul shows us that the answer lies in steadfast prayer for the spread of the gospel, cultivating watchfulness and gratitude within the church.

  • Heart, Foot and Mouth

    28/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    As we conclude our short series in the book of Romans, Rory preaches to us from Romans 9:30-10:15. In this passage we see what it means to be a Christian the response of Christians to the gospel by spreading the news to others, and what it all means for us today.

  • A Gospel for All of Life

    21/01/2024 Duración: 51min

    In Colossians 3:18-4:1, Paul distinguishes between two types of teaching—an elevated false gospel, and the true gospel accessible to all aspects of life. In this passage we see that the gospel affects our everyday relationships, shaping how wives submit to husbands, husbands sacrificially love and practice self-denial, and children honour their parents to please the Lord. How can embracing the true gospel transform our relationships, encouraging selfless love in our lives?

  • The Greatest Showman

    21/01/2024 Duración: 30min

    Rory continues our series in the book of Romans, preaching from Romans 5:1-11. In this passage we see God’s amazing love for people, and how we can be sure of his love for us.

  • The wages you deserve, or the gift you don’t deserve.

    14/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    As we continue our series in Romans, John Maiden preaches to us from Romans 6:15-23. In this passage, and V23 in-particular, we see the reality of our position before God, the amazing gift of God despite this, and what it means for us today.

  • The Transforming Power of a Singing People

    14/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    Today Tom continues our series in Paul's letter to the Colossians, taking us through is from Colossians 3:12-17. In this passage, the apostle Paul urges all believers to continue to grow together in unity through the word of the Lord. How does Paul's encouragement to be a singing people help the gospel "dwell among us richly"?

  • How the Good Shepherd Loves His Weak Sheep

    07/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    Today is co-mission Sunday and our guest preacher is Shane Goodyear from Hope Church Vauxhall and the London City Mission. Shane brings us God's word from Psalm 23:1-6. In this famous Psalm, King David paints a striking picture of his total dependence on the Lord for all he needs. How can we build our intimacy with the Lord and experience his goodness in our lives, knowing him as our shepherd?

  • Roman Road: A rocky start

    07/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    As we start a new mini-series looking at the book of Romans, Tom preaches to use from Romans 3:9-26. In this passage we see Paul’s conclusion on the human condition, every person’s current situation before God, and what it means for every single one of us today.

  • New Year, New Wardrobe.

    31/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    In the next sermon in our series, Tom takes us through Colossians 3:1-17. In these verses, Paul uncovers the virtues that must characterise our Christian walk. How can we truly clothe ourselves in the character of Jesus and experience the transformative power of love and unity in our relationships?.

  • The Church is Worth Killing For!

    17/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    Today, Tom continues in our series in Paul's letter to the Colossians. In Colossians 3:1-11, believers are urged to identify and eliminate personal sins without mercy. How can believers effectively engage in this ongoing battle against sin, drawing strength from their connection with Jesus and the hope of ultimate victory?

  • Set Your Heart and Mind on Christ

    10/12/2023 Duración: 42min

    In our sermon today Pete takes us through Colossians 2:20-3:4. In these verses, we see how embracing the love of Jesus directs our hearts and minds, so that we find our ultimate happiness and purpose in Jesus. But how can aligning our values, desires, and actions with Jesus' teachings transform our daily lives and prepare us for His glorious return?

  • 6 ways to prepare for the second coming.

    10/12/2023 Duración: 45min

    As we continue in our series in the Parables of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, Tom preaches to us from Matthew 25:1-13. In this passage we see Jesus explain what the kingdom of God is like through the parable of the Ten Virgins - and what it all means for us today.

  • Come to the feast.

    03/12/2023 Duración: 48min

    Rory continues our series in the Parables of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, preaching to us from Matthew 22:1-14. In this passage we see Jesus describing the kingdom of God like a wedding banquet that a King throws for his son. We see the King’s invitation, the different responses of different people, and what it all means for us today.

  • How to Make a Fake Christian

    03/12/2023 Duración: 59min

    Today, we continue our series in the book of Colossians, and Pete takes us through Colossians 2:13–23. In this passage, Paul warns his readers against adding legalism, mysticism, and asceticism to the gospel of Christ, emphasising that such additions shift the focus from Jesus to our own performance. If these additions are dangerous, how then are we to grow and mature as Christians?

  • Glasses of grace

    26/11/2023 Duración: 41min

    Geraint continues our series in the Parables of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, preaching from Matthew 20:1-16. In this passage we see Jesus describing the kingdom of heaven in the parable of the workers in the vineyard - we see the character of the vineyard owner, the attitudes of the workers, and what it all means for us today.

  • Christ's Victory and Satan's Counterattack

    26/11/2023 Duración: 50min

    As we continue our series, in the book of Colossians, Pete takes us through Colossians 2:6–23. In these verses, Paul shows his readers that Christ has won a final victory over the devil. But how is it that the devil still condemned us in our consciences and how are we to fight?

  • An interview gone wrong.

    19/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    As we continue our series in the Parables of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, Rich preaches from Matthew 21:33-46. In this passage we see Jesus telling the parable of the tenants - we see the Pharisees’ answer to Jesus’ question, Jesus’ verdict on the Pharisees, and what it all means for us today.

  • Why Every Christian Should Embrace Cancel-Culture

    19/11/2023 Duración: 41min

    As we continue our series in the book of Colossians, Tom takes us through Colossians 2:6-15. In this passage the apostle Paul encourages the believers to take seriously their duty to put to death sin in their lives. What does this look like in the life of the Christian and how are we to live this out?

  • What do you think of yourself?

    12/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    Chris continues our series in the Parables of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, preaching from Matthew 21:28-32. In this passage we see Jesus telling the chief priests & teachers of the law the parable of the two sons. What does obedience to God really look like?

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