Grace Church



Grace Church Podcasts


  • Intentional Friend | Future Church | Week 4

    04/02/2024 Duración: 31min

    Mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day everywhere. Dream Disciple Compassionate StorytellerSavvy FollowerIntentional FriendEmbedded Influencer. Big Idea – As an intentional friend, I will build healthy relationships and help God restore broken ones.Why friendship is so important.You were made for friendships (John 15:9-15)Friendships are a vehicle for mission (John 15:16-17)Discipleship is consistently helping someone take their next steps toward Jesus. Next Steps: Intentional Friend Discipleship Questions: Who in my life needs me the most during this season and what’s my next step? Where do I need to lean into a relationship that has become distant or broken?My Mission Field Tool  Family | Neighbors | Work | Hobbies | Church | School | Community | OtherGod, who do you want to be investing in during this season? Find this and other resources at 

  • Savvy Follower | Future Church | Week 3

    28/01/2024 Duración: 25min

    Dream disciple. Compassionate StorytellerSavvy FollowerIntentional FriendEmbedded Influencer. Big idea: As a Savvy Follower I will discern God’s voice and follow his lead at the right time in the right way.Savvy= wise, thoughtful, sensible. Spiritually savvy = having the perspective of God on the inside and then allowing it to shape what happens through you on the outside. 3 Declarations of a Savvy Follower. I will be shrewd but with integrity (Mt. 10:16).I will only move when God moves (Numbers 9:15-23).I will tune in to the Spirit’s voice (John 16:12-14) E-book: The Beginner’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice at  Next Step:Two discipleship questions for the Savvy FollowerWhat has God spoken to me through His word this week and what am I doing about it?  What decision am I facing right now that requires God’s unique perspective and how will I seek it?Find Your Chair Tool. Download at 

  • Compassionate Storyteller | Future Church | Week 2

    21/01/2024 Duración: 32min

    Mission: following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere.  Dream Disciple:Compassionate Storyteller: I know God’s story, my place in it, and am motivated to tell the people in my life. The Metanarrative of the BibleCreation | Fall | Redemption | Mission | Restoration.3 Truths about Your StoryEvery Christian has a gospel story to tell. It’s hard for people to argue with your story. People who know you will trust your story. The WHO, WHAT, and HOW of sharing your story (1 Peter 3:15)Who? Everyone who asks. What? The reason for the hope that you have.How? With gentleness and respect. 2 Discipleship Questions for a Compassionate Storyteller: Where is God showing up in my story this week? Who in my life needs to hear God’s story through my story? Story Tool: I once was ____________________, but now I ____________________.Find more resources at  

  • The Future of the Church | Future Church | Week 1

    14/01/2024 Duración: 32min

    Some Shifts in our Church Remodel: Less attraction more mission. Less big more small. Less new more old. Less telling more training. Less counting attendance more counting discipleship outcomes.Less slick more authentic. Less performance more presence. Less noise more space. Less solo more family. Why Change? The Internal Problem: We’ve replaced discipleship with assimilation.The external problem: Christianity is in crisis in America. Cascading SendingGod sends Jesus. (John 3:17) God and Jesus send the Spirit. (John 15:26-27)God, Jesus, and the Spirit send us (John 20:21-22)God, Jesus, and the Spirit send the Church. (Matthew 28:18-20)John 17:14-19The old slogan: Christians should be IN the world but not OF the world. 2 Problems: the wrong WORDthe wrong ORDERA better slogan: Christians are not OF the world, but have been sent INTO the world. 

  • The Danger of Distraction | Resolved | Week 2

    07/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    Distraction = the temptation to give the focus and energy needed for something highly important to something that is often quite insignificant.Big idea: This year let’s normalize stillness, and neglect distraction.3 Marks of an Undistracted Faith.1. When you receive from Jesus first, you can serve others properly.2. When you’re distracted from Jesus, your generosity will turn into resentment.3. Your love for Christ starts with listening to him.The process of building a habit (from James Clear’s Atomic Habits)- Cue - make it obvious.- Craving - make it attractive.- Response - make it easy (frictionless).- Reward - make it satisfying.Next Step:Make a plan to find your chair and meet with God every day.- When will you spend time with God?- Where will you spend time with God? Find your chair. - What will you read during your time with God? Who will hold you accountable?

  • Getting Close to God is Possible | Resolved | Week 1

    31/12/2023 Duración: 27min

    4 Truths about Getting Close to God.    God’s desire is for you to be close to Him (Jeremiah 24:7)   You sabotage closeness with God by hiding (Genesis 3:8-10)   God doesn’t force you, He invites you (Revelation 3:15-17; 20)   You can be close to God by drawing near to Him (James 4:8)     Next step: Prioritize God in your life by creating one daily spiritual habit.  Find additional resources at

  • It Looks Like Family, But We’re Fractured | Christmas Behind the Curtain | Week 3

    17/12/2023 Duración: 33min

    Big Idea: Invite the light of Christ into your family this Christmas.   The perfect outfit for a peaceful family Christmas. PUT ON:   Compassion: a deep sensitivity to the needs and sorrows of others.   Kindness: the action that arises out of empathy.   Humility: the noble choice to use your status and influence for the good of others.  Meekness: all your emotional faculties under control. Patience: restraining yourself in the presence of the exasperating conduct of others    A quick survival guide for the dysfunctional family at the holidays.    Keep it simple and use nostalgia as a connecting point.   Manage your expectations.    Consider your boundaries ahead of time and be ready to enforce them.   Don’t try to control everything, be flexible.   Debrief with a trusted friend, or counselor.   Be the change you want to see in your family with no expectations that they’ll come along.     “Here’s My Chance!”   Practicing Solitude  Get still. As distraction-free as possible – put everything away including your

  • It Looks Impressive, But I’m in Over my Head | Christmas Behind the Curtain | Week 2

    10/12/2023 Duración: 31min

    Big idea: Invite the light of Christ into your EXPECTATIONS this Christmas.   What is Biblical hope? The confident expectation that God will fulfill His promises.   4 Lessons on biblical hope from Zechariah and Elizabeth:    Where you place your hope will determine how you live your life (:6)   The bigger the problem, the greater the opportunity for hope (:7)   Just because God is silent doesn’t mean that God is inactive (:13)   A hope in circumstances is flimsy, a hope in Jesus is secure (:18-19)   Practicing Solitude – Big Idea: Invite the light of Christ into your EXPECTATIONS this Christmas.   Get still. As distraction-free as possible – put everything away including your phone.   Do 10 deep cleansing breaths – with each inhale pray silently “Christ shine your light.”  Your mind might run wild but spend the first few moments resting in God’s presence.  In light of our discussion today about biblical hope vs. people’s expectations  Read Psalm 139:7-12 multiple times. Read until certain words or phrases fee

  • It Looks Like Joy, But I’m Not OK | Christmas Behind the Curtain | Week 1

    03/12/2023 Duración: 31min

    Big Idea: Invite the light of Christ to your emotions this Christmas  Runaway emotions   Insecurity   Guilt   Anger   Sadness.    Isaiah 9:1-7  Four Titles that Bring True Joy 1. Wonderful Counselor  Make an appointment with the wonderful counselor to identify your runaway emotions this Christmas.   2. Mighty God   Find time to immerse yourself in the mightiness of God this Christmas.   3. Everlasting Father   Stay connected to Jesus and to your spiritual family this Christmas.   4. Prince of Peace   Be a broker of peace in your relationships this Christmas?    Practicing Solitude  Get still. As distraction-free as possible – put everything away including your phone.   Do 10 deep cleansing breaths – with each inhale pray silently “Christ shine your light.”  Your mind might run wild but spend the first few moments resting in God’s love.  In light of our discussion today about true joy and runaway emotions  Read Psalm 139:23-24 multiple times. Read until certain words or phrases feel like they’re being ‘highli

  • The Kingdom of God is Here | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 9

    26/11/2023 Duración: 27min

    Big Idea: The Kingdom of God is here… what are you doing with it?  The truth of Jesus’ parables are meant to be revealed. (Mark 4:21-23; 33-34)  The terms Kingdom of God and Gospel converge in Jesus.  Two parables about the Kingdom of God.  The end result which God has designed will surely come.  (Parable of the Growing Seed; Mark 4:26-29)  The small beginning vs the big ending.  (Parable of the Mustard Seed; Mark 4:30-32)   We have an obligation to ponder the meaning of Jesus’ parables and the Gospel, and ultimately to obey them. (Mark 4:24-25; Luke 19:11-26)  Salvation comes by faith along and only through the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9), but we are created for good works. (Ephesians 2:10) Actions don’t earn your faith, they prove them.  “The faith that justifies is the faith that sanctifies.” (John Piper)  We should be pursuing the application of Jesus in our public and private lives. -Privately: Do you have a chair time? Prayer life? Involved in Christian community? -Publicly: In your job and hobbies

  • Why Some People Never Get it | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 8

    19/11/2023 Duración: 34min

    Why Some People Never Get it 11/19/23 | Pastor Derek | Mark 4:1-20    The structure of today’s passage   the parable itself  a section about the mysterious nature of the Kingdom   an explanation of the parable to the disciples and other curious followers.    Big Idea- A thriving disciple begins with a receptive heart.  Two problems    Does Jesus have a special insiders club?   Is Jesus saying that his parables are designed to keep people from salvation?     Why Some People Never Get it: Diagnosing the State of Your Heart.    Beware of a HARD Heart (:4, 19)   Beware of a SHALLOW Heart (:5-6, 16-17)  Beware of a CLUTTERED Heart (:7, 18-19)   Cultivate a RECEPTIVE Heart (:8, 20)    Next Step:  Respond to the gospel with a receptive heart Go to and choose salvation. And let us know that you took that step today.    Find more resources at  

  • A Disciple's Job Description | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 6

    05/11/2023 Duración: 27min

    Big Idea: Disciples tell His Story.  A Pattern in God’s Story = Creating, Calling, Sending  Components of a Disciples’ Job Description: To be WITH Jesus (Mark 3:14) Practically Speaking-  To be SENT(3:14; 6:7-13; Luke 10:1-12)  - To TELL HIS STORY (:14)  - To have the AUTHORITY to cast out demons (:15)  - Practically Speaking (John 9:25)-  Next Step:   What is my next small step of obedience today?  How will my life tell His Story? (“I once was... but now I am...”) 

  • Following the Rules and Missing Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 5

    29/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    Big idea: You can keep religious rules and still miss Jesus.Blinded by Narratives: A case study in how to miss Jesus01. On how to respond when being threatened.  Legalist: Conspire against anyone who threatens their beliefs.  Jesus: Feel the weight of the threat and do the right thing anyway.   02. On responding to obvious needs.  Legalist: Ignore the need if it doesn’t fit the narrative.   Jesus: See a need and respond with compassion.  03. On what drives our spiritual lives.  Legalist: The goal of religion is external behavior modification.  Jesus: The goal of the gospel is internal heart transformation.  Six Markers of a Gospel-Centered life and a Changing Heart A Passion for Christ: Practices born out of Love.  Ongoing Repentance.  Spiritual Fruit.  Life-giving Words.  Sacrificial Generosity.  Biblical Community.  Next Steps.  Today’s theme: Ordinary Hero  Discipleship question: What is my next small step of obedience today?  Find more resources related to Mark at 

  • The Gift of Sabbath | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 4

    22/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    Legalism vs. LicenseBig idea: Jesus is Lord of everything, so you can rest easy. 3 Markers of Legalism Legalists add their own rules to the scriptures.  Legalists appoint themselves as judge over others.  Legalists strictly hold everyone to their own rules of choice.  The Backstory of the Sabbath Genesis 2:2-3 Sabbath = to cease= one 24-hour period each week that is devoted to rest from your work. Exodus 5:18Exodus 20:8-11 A Framework for a Great Sabbath. the key first step is to figure out the WHEN  Unplug.  Gather  Worship  Rest / Recreate  Next Step  Son of God/ Son of Man theme Discipleship question: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?  Follow-up question: What small step could I take this week toward a healthy sabbath rhythm? Find all supporting resources at 

  • A Seat at the Table for Everyone | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 3

    15/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    Big idea: Jesus redefines who’s in and who’s out. 5 Conflict Narratives.  the healing of the paralytic man eating with tax collectors and sinners the question of fasting plucking grain on the sabbath healing the man with the withered hand.  The conflict narratives follow a basic pattern.  Jesus acts The authorities disapprove  Jesus self-discloses and aspect of his identity  Jesus’ radical redefinition of who’s in and who’s out:  Jesus includes those you’d least expect (:14)  Jesus models friendships with the outcasts (:15-17)  True disciples of Jesus prioritize relationship over rituals (:18-20)  A Few Words about Fasting.Fasting = denying your physical appetite in order to prioritize your relationship with God. The primacy of Joy. Next Step: Wrestle with the Holy Spirit over these discipleship questions:  How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?  Who’s an outcast in your life that Jesus is prompting you to invite to dinner?  Find all the supporting resources at 

  • Forgiveness is Greater than Healing | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 2

    08/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    What the Story Reveals:01. The story reveals Jesus to us (Mark 2:5, 10-11)What does this mean for you? Jesus came to meet your deepest need.02. The story reveals something about us Curiosity (Mark 2:2,4,12) Skepticism (Mark 2:6-9) Faith (Mark 2:3-5, 11-12; Hebrews 11:1, 3) What does this mean for you? You must make a decision about Jesus.“I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)Next Steps: Ask: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?

  • Jesus Isn't Afraid of Your Mess | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week1

    01/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    Big Idea: The steps you take reveal who you are followingThe Word of God shouldn’t just be a picture, it should also be used as a mirror.  4 Keys to a Gait of Grace Get Off Your Feet (v35-37) Walk With Purpose (v38-39) Embrace The Uns (v40-42) Comply With Christ (v43-45) Next Steps: Son of Man/Son of God ThemeDiscipleship Question: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?

  • Partnering with Ordinary People | The Gospel of Mark: A Brand New Start | Week 4

    24/09/2023 Duración: 28min

    Partnering with Ordinary People9/24/23 | Pastor Sarah | Mark 1:14-34Mark 1:15“The time is fulfilled”  Chronos (time of day) vs. Kairos (the right time)“and the kingdom of God is at hand”Ephesians 1:3-10“repent and believe in the gospel.”Euangelion = gospel = good newsBig Idea: Ordinary life with Jesus is extraordinary.Jesus brings the Kingdom of God…: To ordinary places (Mark 1:16) With ordinary people (Mark 1:16-20) In extraordinary ways (Mark 1:21-34) Jesus has the authority:  a. to call b. to teach c. to healNext Steps: Ask: What is my next small step of obedience today?

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