Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 77:11:42
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Just what is the Gay Agenda? Have you wondered why conservatives keep ringing the same bell? Well, so have we! But we just may have the answer. Welcome to our first podcast! The hosts of Just My Opinion, Spiritual Studd and M.T. will open your eyes and ears with their opinion on religion, church, politics with a little sports thrown in. This issue is discussed with humor, passion and most of all the sincere hope that someone will come to understand that they are worthy of God's love.


  • Rage Against the Machine

    20/02/2017 Duración: 55min

    Hey Fam, Due to the times in which we find ourselves living, you will hear us discuss politics much more than usual. So, we have a question.  Is the current administration racist? We find that we cannot get a clear answer regarding the anti-Semitic ramblings going on. We do not hear condemnation regarding race related shootings that were committed by a white, Christian Trump supporter. Without a definitive statement from this administration, American citizens are left to come to our own conclusions based upon their actions. This President throws out stereotypes like a Hall of Fame pitcher throws strikes. They just keep coming. I watched a video of a presentation given by Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary called, "Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome." I ask that you don't get turned off and tune out, because if you want to know how hatred is justified - then watch the video. As marginalized people, the LGBTQ community needs to be open to understanding the history of those others who experience some sort of marginalization as w

  • Him and His Minions

    08/02/2017 Duración: 48min

    Hello Fam, We are now into DJT's presidency and I believe it is driving people batty. Some who voted for him are suffering from regret and others who voted for him are suffering from delusion.  This dude is not who we as Americans want nor need as our President. Unfortunately, that's who we have and it's evident that things are going be very different for these next four years. However, comedians are having a ball. So much fodder.  On this show, we discuss a possible explanation for certain people voting him in. We also discuss religion, the Muslim ban and the true victims and perpetrators of terrorism. There is so much going on right now. It's easy to get caught up in fear. We ask that you remain vigilant and fearless.  As always, we love you and thank you for listening. BE LIGHT, BE LOVE - SS & MT

  • It Was NOT Huge!

    24/01/2017 Duración: 46min

    Hey Fam, So, M.T. does a killer Trump impression. Anyway, on this episode we discuss the new President and what has happened since he took the oath. Trump had another tantrum because he had so few people at his inauguration and could not accept it. I'm sure that this is only the beginning of alternative facts.  New passengers on the A-Train to hell: Steve Harvey has been taken to task for meeting with Trump. Transparency is your friend Steve. The second passenger is Chrisette Michele is facing backlash because of her performing at the inauguration. The realization that you performed for the KKK is going to slap you in the face. We wanted to congratulate Mariah Brown, who is the daughter of Meri and Kody Brown of Sister Wives, for coming out. I lucked up on the coming out show and I have to say that I was happily surprised. We are so glad that you are able to be who you are and have the support of your family. As we turn to spirituality, I ask that you take a look at the TedX speaker. The link is below. It is

  • 2017 and We Are Back!

    10/01/2017 Duración: 48min

    Hello Famileeee! If you cannot tell, we are so happy to be back. It seems longer than it really was, but let me just say: It's on! So, if any of you watch The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, you may have seen his interview with Tomi Lahren. She is the conservative pundit with her own show on the Blaze. Trevor did a great job of calling her on the things that she says. We don't watch her, but we understand why some people really dislike her. She opens her mouth and stupidity falls out. The danger is that she has millions of listeners who believe the crap that she says. Instead of putting any link to her show on our page, I decided to put the link to a beautifully written Huffington Post article addressed to her. Please take some time to read it. We also introduce a new segment on our first show of 2017. It's called, "The A Train to Hell." First passengers are Kim Burrell and Shirley Ceasar. Al I can say is "just listen." LGBT Family - We are back! Love and Light..SS & MT https://www.theodysseyonline.com/open-

  • Year End Thank You Spot

    21/12/2016 Duración: 03min

    Hey Fam, Tonight we just wanted to take some time to thank all of you for listening to the show. We have had the opportunity to speak about many topics and it's been out great honor to do so. We appreciate all of you and wanted you to know. Unfortunately, we were unable to record due to inclement weather but we really wanted you to know that we were still thinking about you. Hence, this little thank you spot.  We hope that you enjoy the holiday season. May you have all that you need and be open to receiving those things that you say you want. They may not always come in the prettiest packages but sometimes they are just what you wanted. We have great plans for next year's shows and look forward to growing with you. Until next time...SS & MT

  • Internalized Homophobia

    07/12/2016 Duración: 51min

    Hey Fam, So let's talk. Homophobia is defined as dislike or prejudice against homosexual people. Internalized homophobia is defined as the involuntary belief by lesbians and gay men (also trans people) that the homophobic lies, stereotypes, and myths about them (that are delivered to everyone in a heterosexist/homophobic society) are true. Many of us have been saturated with the beliefs of others. If you grew up in a religious home, then the shame was real. The shame did become internalized. What kind of damage does this do? There are so many people who hide because of the fear of family disowning them and kicking them out, a very real fear of hell and God hating them, people attacking them, etc. But hiding only works for so long before the need to express who you really are surfaces. Not only that, but the self-hatred that lies within will find a way to express itself. Many who commit domestic violence do so because they hate who they are. Once they have been intimate with someone of the same sex, an overwhe

  • It's A Journey

    23/11/2016 Duración: 48min

    Fam, Things are starting to take shape on Donald Trump's team. What we know is that by the past actions of some of these folks, our chances don't look too good if that's all we go by. We have been asked to give them a chance but that's a very difficult thing to do given their pasts. So, what should we do? Get educated. We must empower ourselves so that we are not just swingin' in the wind. We cannot depend on others to have our best interests at heart when our actions don't show that we care. Now, I'm not saying that we all have to show our concern the same way. Some protest in the street, others do it with Op-Ed pieces, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts. It is indeed time to make our voices heard. Anyone that does not fit the mold of those preparing to move to Washington, must be prepped to fight for themselves and others. M.T. and I are prepping in many ways. Everything is not a physical fight. We recognize that there is something more than meets the eye and hopefully, we who did not vote for him, will rise in ene

  • It's Election Time

    07/11/2016 Duración: 42min

    Hey Fam, We know that this election has been a mess. So much hatred exposed and perpetuated towards each other that we don't know who our friends and family are anymore. The level of ignorance and hypocrisy shown to the world has exposed our system of democracy to those in other countries who oppose it. Our system looks very flawed and in some cases ridiculous because it allowed someone who has no idea of how the system works to rise and possibly be the next President of the United States. The question has been asked in these countries that have a dictatorial system: "Is this what you want?" We have to ask, "Is this what we want other countries thinking of us? But more importantly, we as a country can no longer remain in a dreamlike state. We are more divided than ever and a divided "anything" cannot stand. We must be willing to be healed. If we are truly the United States, then we must find a way to become united again. So please vote. By the time some of you hear this, the election will be over and the deci

  • The Sound of Our Frustration

    11/10/2016 Duración: 41min

    Hey Fam, On this show we discussed the music of T.I. and Michael Jackson. As we listened to the songs we could not help but feel that there is a continuation from a song by N.W.A. Not the title but the content is the precursor to T.I.'s song "War Zone." The song is clearly saying what's going on is wrong. The video shows the roles reversed. How would white America feel if black cops were killing their loved ones and getting away with it? Yes, we hear people say that black people should not say anything until they get black on black crime under control. Well, to those people I say: Crime is crime. We are not foolish enough to think that it is not an issue in some black communities. However, that is not the issue. The issue is that black people are getting killed, often for no reason...by police officers and no one is paying for it. If you happen to watch Empire, you will get a glance at something that really happens to black people who live in areas where some people think that they shouldn't. There is anger a

  • The Natives Are Restless

    28/09/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    Hey Fam, School is in! Join us as M.T. goes in on the history of the police department. Have you ever wondered how the police department came to be? Well, if you have, please take some time out of your day to listen to this show. We cover so much ground and history that it should be impossible for anyone to say that they know nothing about slavery. Our hope is that we were able to enlighten some regarding African-American history and why the pain is so deep. This show is important because we are allowing others in to view the root of the pain. Anyway, to say more would be to delay your listening to the show. Enjoy! SS & M.T

  • Our History

    05/09/2016 Duración: 48min

    It's history time fam! Professor M.T. came with the knowledge and we can all benefit from it. There is a lot of LGBT history out there and speaking only for myself, I need to do more studying. For those of you who had a question regarding the timeline of the Jewish holocaust (as I did), it was from 1933 - 1945. Another piece of knowledge that hit me was the Kinsey report. I have heard of Alfred Kinsey, but never read anything that he wrote. I have put that report on my list. M.T. also brought some people out that some of us may not have known about. She talked about Alice Dunbar, the ex-wife of poet Paul Laurence Dunbar. Apparently, she had a penchant for the ladies and it proved to be too much for him. He was also abusive, an alcoholic and suffered from depression. But that's a different story. There was also Ruth Ellis and Lorraine Hansberry. There is plenty more and we hope you enjoy the show.   With light and love...SS & MT

  • A.B.W.S - Angry Black Woman Syndrome

    24/08/2016 Duración: 52min

    Hello Fam, Leave it to us to bring the controversy! So, this week we discussed what is known as the Angry Black Woman Syndrome. I hope that we did not turn anyone off but it's something that touched us both last week.  We talk about what has happened in many black women's lives that may make them seem to be angry. However, it's not always anger, but strength with a protective shield. I have found that you just have to be the right kind of strong to help them feel safe enough to lower the shield. When a person has had the responsibility of taking care of themselves as well as others and have not been able to count on anyone else, this is what they become. Because they don't fall for the okey-doke or as I say the bulls..., some like to call them angry or bitchy or just plain bitch. I say that it is the one who is afraid of stepping up to the plate that is the bitch.  Many men and women allow themselves to think that because someone sees past their ish, that the problem lies with that person. All we have to say

  • Maintaining Relationships

    10/08/2016 Duración: 46min

    Family, Maintaining relationships when you are LGBTQ can be difficult. Many remain hidden and throw shade on those in the community who live openly and freely. Self-hatred in conjunction with religion has caused untold pain. We discuss this issue on the show. Fear causes us to do so many things including live in ways that contradict who we truly are. Some are so afraid that they will throw others under the bus to keep eyes off of them. It is impossible to even have a real relationship with people when you can't even be honest with yourself. Life requires relationships. Even if you are a loner, you still need relationships. It's ok to like your own company, but sometimes you need to hear another voice. As M.T. says, "There's joy in the struggle." The struggle helps to develop us and help us to become who we are." So at the end of the day - don't hate the struggle. Embrace it! With light & love...M.T. & SS

  • Conspiracy Theories & Politics

    26/07/2016 Duración: 48min

    Hey Fam, Let's face it...this has been a tough year. We have experienced so much this year and now this: Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President of the United States! NOOOOOOOOOO! Okay, back to reality. Oh, wait...that is the reality that we face. So, on this show, we invite you to take a look at what the RNC proposes to do. The platform is out there for all to see. We implore you to take some time and read it. Even if you have no desire to read the whole thing, read what applies to us as a community. They want to take it all back. Any progress that has been made regarding the LGBTQ community- gone. It does not matter what the Donald said about protecting us from terrorists...who will protect us from him? I know that we may have political differences within our community. That's normal. But letting this person and this party have control over us is suicide. We cannot afford to let it happen. This is not the time for cynicism or complacency. If we fail to vote, we have turned our present and our f

  • We Are Ranting Again!

    20/07/2016 Duración: 46min

    Hey Fam, Yes, we are ranting again! This show was recorded after the Dallas shooting that took the lives of five officers during the peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. We know that since that time, more police officers have been killed. Our hearts go out to the families of those officers. It is never our desire to see anyone killed. However, we know that there are those who don't want things to quiet down and will do whatever is necessary to keep it up. Now, what are we ranting about? Good question! Life today in these United States of America. Today Donald Trump was nominated as the Republican candidate for President of our country. My advice to all of our listeners is to look over the GOP platform. This is about more than Black Lives Matter ladies and gents. This is about all of us who don't fit the mold. If we get so angry that we do not vote in November, then Donald Trump and his platform is headed to the White House and we will have lost the opportunity to do anything about it. Please don't bury your h

  • Reviews and Relationships

    01/07/2016 Duración: 53min

    M.T. wanted to lighten things up since we have been experiencing such difficult times. So she reviewed different artists within our community. We know that there is so much talent in the LGBTQ community. Hopefully, you will listen to these artists and may even become fans of some. A few of the artists mentioned are: Jessica Betts, Double Duchess, Angel Hayes and The Internet. If you are in search of something to watch, try Studvilletv. We also discussed pursuing your purpose. The time is now. So many of us are waiting for something to come for us when its our responsibility to walk towards our purpose. So we hope that in pursuing our purpose by doing this podcast, we can help you on your journey towards yours. Now, in speaking about Marsha Ambrosius and Floetry, I mispronounced her partner's name which is The Floacist. I said Floatist. Please forgive me. Have a wonderful holiday! Be light. Be love. SS & MT

  • QOTD: Why are black people still Christians?

    16/06/2016 Duración: 51min

    This episode was recorded the day of the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL. It was very difficult to gather the energy to record this episode. However, we know that we had to. The crying mother that I spoke of did learn that her son was killed and it felt to me like a member of my family was killed. Of course, we did not have all of the information about the shooter that we do now. His behavior does lead one to ask if he was fighting something within pertaining to his sexuality? We have seen why self-hatred can drive people to do as evidenced by politicians and preachers who want to see gays thrown off the face of the earth but it's later revealed that they have been doing the undercover mamba with a man. Good idea for a show. This episode speaks to the issue of religion and in particular why black people still practice Christianity. This question has been brought up on YouTube and was asked of M.T. recently. Thus, the reason for this show. There seems to be a rising tide of folks leaving Christianit

  • HB2 - Falling For the Okey-Doke

    24/05/2016 Duración: 54min

    Hey Fam, Ok....we have gotten so many responses to our podcast regarding laws regarding trans people and bathrooms that we decided to address it. How? We have looked beyond the law that has everyone up in arms to what ELSE is included in the law. So, we looked into it and there are some interesting changes that have been made to the laws that provided protection from discrimination....not so much for the LGBT community....but for the protected classes under Title VII. There is also a reference to changing minimum wage. This is the type of sneakiness that goes unchecked when the public doesn't take the time to look deeper. It is vital that we as a democracy take advantage of what those who went before us fought and died to give us. We must vote! These politicians have done some underhanded things to the folks in North Carolina. But if we are not careful, we can be set up the same way. We are well aware that many of those who responded to our previous podcast don't care for us and what we stand for. However, we

  • Dropping Bombs on Christian Terrorists

    10/05/2016 Duración: 57min

    Hello Fam, So happy to be back! Time does not fly when you're down. Ok. So as you can see this show is about dropping some bombs on those who are supposed to "cover" us as they say in the church. Instead, they have done many heinous things against us and continue to do so. If you have not seen the movie "Spotlight" I encourage you to do so. It is the reason for this show. I don't have much to say here as I will let the podcast speak for itself. Be light, Be love. SS & MT  

  • Bigotry Disguised as Law

    19/04/2016 Duración: 38min

    Hey Fam, We know that this is a tense climate that we are presently living in, but it seems that the climate is being controlled by uneducated morons who are legislating with a Bible that none seem to read. So now many states are coming out of the woodwork with these religious bills that are supposedly put forward to protect people. Our question is: protect from what? These people always want to play the fear card and bring up pedophiles. They always associate homosexuals and trans people with pedophilia. An article I read contains a quote by Dr. Fred Berlin, who is a professor at John Hopkins University and he founded the National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma in Baltimore, Md. He stated that pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children. ~ Time I wish that these governors and their religious cronies would pull their heads out of their you know whats and maybe follow the Christ that they say they

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