Living Word Church



Thanks for checking out our podcast! This is where you can find weekly messages from Living Word Church in Hauppauge, New York. Our mission is to help people center their lives around Jesus. We meet every Sunday at 9:30AM, 11:30AM and 7PM. Please check out our website for more info.


  • When Darkness Falls

    08/01/2017 Duración: 41min

    Discouragement and depression can seemingly come out of nowhere and cripple you. What do you do when you walk through a dark season? How do you walk through a dark season with someone that you care for? In this one part message, Kelly gives us practical and relevant insight from God's Word that gives us hope for when darkness falls.

  • Continue On (Part 1)

    01/01/2017 Duración: 35min

    Whether you are excited about 2017 or fearful about it because 2016 was a tough year, there is one common thing we all should do this year - continue on in Jesus. Why continue on in Jesus? The culture around us tells us Jesus is outdated, ineffective and offensive. Why continue on in Him? What if encouragement, wisdom, knowledge, strength, strong relationships, stability, thankfulness and knowing God better are all wrapped up in continuing on in Jesus in 2017?

  • When It Feels Like God Doesn't Love Me

    24/12/2016 Duración: 31min

    Have you ever felt like God doesn't love you? Maybe life has been really difficult and you ask why a loving God would let you go through such hard times. Maybe God hasn't responded how you wanted Him to and that has made you doubt His love. Maybe you are disappointed in yourself and that has made you feel unworthy of God's love.In this one part message, Doug points us to the proof that God loves us no matter what we may feel.

  • Last Christmas

    18/12/2016 Duración: 30min

    Many of us came into the 2016 Christmas Season with struggles we would love to say goodbye to. Whether it's lonelinness, addiction, fear, anxiety, depression or guilt, we would love to be free!What if this could be the last Christmas that those struggles plauged us? In this message, Doug helps us see how the first Christmas can make this the last Christmas that we are a prisoner to these struggles.

  • No Hope & Too Late

    11/12/2016 Duración: 31min

    We all have "no hope" and "too late" situations in our lives. These are the situations that don't stand a chance. It's the relationship that has no life, the dream that never came true, the financial burden we will never dig ourselves out of or the sickness we never seem to beat.In this one part message, Doug helps us see what Jesus is capable of in the midst of "no hope" and "too late" situations.

  • Zoomed Out (Part 3)

    04/12/2016 Duración: 37min

    It's amazing how we try to control things. Instead of waiting for God's timing on the right relationship, we often force the wrong one. Instead of trusting God to provide the finances we need, we work so much our spouse and kids don't remember what we look like. Instead of asking God to lead a huge decision about school or work, we do our own thing and hope for the best. Usually, all of these scenarios end the same way - a huge mess.In the last part of Zoomed Out, Doug reminds us why it's so important to wait for God's leading, provision and timing.

  • Zoomed Out (Part 2)

    27/11/2016 Duración: 36min

    It might be easy to believe that God is in control of the big things - presidents, kings and nations - but is He in control of the details of my life? Is He insterested in the things that keep me up at night? Are my fears, doubts and struggles on His mind?In Zoomed Out Part 2, Doug answers 2 questions: "Is God really sovereign over every little detail of my life?" "If He is, what difference should that make?"

  • Won Outstanding Life

    20/11/2016 Duración: 35min

    In this one part message, Pastor Pavone challenges us to follow the example of a follower of Jesus who lived "won outstanding life."

  • Doubting Doubts

    20/11/2016 Duración: 33min

    When situations come up, we always have two choices in our heads. What school should I go to? Should I apply for that promotion? Should I teach my kids this way or that way? We have so many doubts that sometimes we may even find ourselves doubting God. But in all thes doubts, have we ever tried to doubt the doubt?In this one part message, Andrew shows us how to keep our faith in the midst of life's situations.

  • Zoomed Out (Part 1)

    13/11/2016 Duración: 40min

    The election has happened. Our nation is zoomed in on it! It seems like the only thing people are paying attention too. With some people unhappy, others happy and many uneasy, how does our nation move forward?In Part 1 of Zoomed Out, Doug helps us zoom out and see things from God's perspective. When we look through God's lens, we learn what to do and how to do it.

  • Captive

    06/11/2016 Duración: 36min

    The average person thinks thousands of thoughts a day. Some of these thoughts are nice, but others can make us a prisoner to anxiety.In this message, Joey guides us through some security check points we can put in place in our minds so that these thoughts don't take us captive.

  • Reorient (Part 4)

    30/10/2016 Duración: 36min

    It's easy to feel that when it comes to following Jesus, connecting with others and using our gifts to serve others are kind of less important than reading our Bibles or praying. What if that's not the case?! What if connecting and serving are vital for our relationship with Jesus?In Part 4 or Reorient, Doug helps us see that there are certain things that God has designed for us to receive and give that only come through connecting and serving. We also get to hear from some people who have had their lives greatly impacted through connecting and serving.

  • Reorient (Part 3)

    23/10/2016 Duración: 39min

    Some people love to worship God. They love music. Singing comes easy to them. They could sing their heart out all day and love every second of it. Others don't really enjoy it. Maybe they aren't musical. Maybe they just don't see the point.Whether you love it or dislike it, worship is really important. In Part 3 of Reorient, Doug talks about how and why we worship God.

  • Reorient (Part 2)

    16/10/2016 Duración: 40min

    Have you ever experienced God in an unmistakable way? If so, when was the last time? The truth is, there is nothing like seeing God do something amazing. How hungry are you for an up to date experience with God? In Part 2 of Reorient, Doug reminds us how important it is to encounter God and helps us see how to be the kind of people that experience Him.

  • Reorient (Part 1)

    09/10/2016 Duración: 39min

    Every once in a while we need to reorient ourselves. We need to ask some tough questions like - "Where is my life headed?" "What path am I on?" "Am I moving in the direction God wants me to be going?"In Reorient Part 1, Doug challenges us to make an important adjustment that will help us keep our lives centered around Jesus.

  • Blessed

    02/10/2016 Duración: 42min

    In this one part message, Pastor Pavone challenges us to trust that God ALWAYS has our best in mind.

  • Baptism Stories

    02/10/2016 Duración: 17min

    This past Sunday night we celebrated 2 baptisms at our Baptism and Worship Night. We wanted to share Laura and Chris's powerful stories with you!

  • Sdrawkcab (Part 3)

    25/09/2016 Duración: 46min

    With the Presidential Election around the corner it's very easy to get caught up in it all. Often without realizing it, we beging to act like our greatest allegiance is to our political party instead of to Jesus.This is a problem because it means we stop seeing the world through Jesus' eyes and instead see it as a Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Libertarian. This means we begin to treat others as issues instead of as people. This means that we aren't seeing things God's way or treating people the way Jesus calls us to. This means we are more excited about following a political system than we are about folowing Christ.In part 3 of Sdrawkcab, Doug talks about what it looks like to give Jesus our highest allegiance. He challenges us to interact with people from different ethnic and socioecomic backgrounds, the Pro Choice Community and the LGTBQ Community like Jesus would.

  • Sdrawkcab (Part 2)

    18/09/2016 Duración: 34min

    Sadly, Christians aren't known for running toward people who have messed up. Christians are known for running away. They're known for being angry and judgemental. This is backwards!In Part 2 of Sdrawkcab, Doug challenges us to love and restore the people around us who have fallen.

  • Sdrawkcab (Part 1)

    11/09/2016 Duración: 40min

    Christians do things backwards sometimes. God's Word says do it this way, for some reason we do it backwards.One of the things we get backwards has to do with our attitude toward our sin struggles. We tend to feel that everybody else's sin struggle is the biggest deal in the room, and not our own. This means we come off judgemental, angry, and self righteous - the exact opposite of what Jesus is.In Part 1 of Sdrawkcab, Doug challenges us to take Jesus' words seriously and remove the planks from our own eyes before we try to find the speck of saw dust in our neighbor's.

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