Grace Church Teaching



Teaching from Grace Church - Greenville, SC.


  • Jethro's Wise Advice

    06/03/2018 Duración: 44min

    In Exodus 18, we find Moses trying to care for his people alone. Jethro, his father-in-law, steps in to provide wisdom and advice on how to best take responsibility and care for others in the way that God calls us to.

  • Manna and Quail from Heaven

    06/03/2018 Duración: 47min

    It is natural for us to want to distance ourselves from the Israelites. However, we find that Exodus 16 reveals the condition of the human heart—hearts that forget, cling to nearer idols, run to comfort, and doubt God’s provision even in the face of His work. Although we look to other things to provide for us, in Him we have everything we need.

  • The Red Sea

    06/03/2018 Duración: 41min

    Throughout our lives, God continually shows us our need for Him by putting us in situations that challenge our control, and our response to uncertainty reveals the condition of our faith. As the evil in the world continues to remind us that we are not in control, God’s authority to judge grows more evident, and He receives glory through both judgment and salvation.

  • The Exodus

    06/03/2018 Duración: 44min

    The exodus is the Old Testament picture of the cross for us. The Israelites, once slaves of the Egyptians, are freed from slavery, lavished in riches, and prepared to reconstitute their identity as a new nation. Despite Pharoah’s attempts to thwart God’s promise to rescue the Israelites, God’s faithfulness cannot be frustrated, and His promises never fail.

  • The Passover

    06/03/2018 Duración: 41min

    Because we serve a benevolent, kind, and all-wise King, justice is served in His sovereignty and perfection. We are freed from carrying the weight of this broken world because He has already stepped in to make it right on our behalf. Trusting in Him as the perfect Lamb of God brings salvation and deliverance from sin.

  • A Hardened Heart

    06/03/2018 Duración: 49min

    We often buy into the idea of our own personal sovereignty rather than acknowledging the only Sovereign. Our culture has created a narrative with us at the center of everything. Instead of trusting in a God whose character does not change, we attempt to trust in our wavering abilities and unstable emotions and character.

  • Discouragement and Disbelief

    06/03/2018 Duración: 42min

    Through the obedience of Moses and Aaron, we are reminded that obeying God does not guarantee that things will get easier for us. We trust in a God who is sovereign and bigger than short-term suffering; His plans exceed our momentary affliction.

  • God Reveals Himself

    06/03/2018 Duración: 50min

    In Exodus 3, God reveals Himself to Moses in the midst of obscurity. Although Moses’ circumstances are seemingly bleak, God asserts Himself as bigger than the moment while at the same time personally engaged with Moses’ life. Although the timeline of Moses’ life appears to be a lot of waiting, God has been actively working in the background.

  • Sovereignty in Bleak Circumstances

    06/03/2018 Duración: 43min

    Often we find ourselves in seasons where we feel far from the work that God is doing. In Exodus 2, Moses’ circumstances leave him in a foreign land with a new family and far away from everything he had ever known. In what appears to be a season that lacks Kingdom work, we find that God is perfectly orchestrating and working through the intricate details of Moses’ life to bring redemption to His people.

  • Oppression and Need

    06/03/2018 Duración: 44min

    Much like the cross is the sign of God’s faithfulness to us in the New Testament, the book of Exodus and the cry of God’s people in Egypt is God’s reminder to His people of His faithfulness in the Old Testament. He heard our cry—He rescued us. The story of Exodus paints a bigger picture of God’s sovereign work in the background, intricately folding each nation and people group into His redemptive plan.

  • We Choose | Why the Local Church?


    The Bible positions the local church as the primary influencer for the gospel and good works in the community. As the local church, we are a rescued and redeemed group of unique people working together to serve God and serve others. In our family of local congregations, our aim is to equip each other to transform the culture with godly talk and action.

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