Central Community Church sermons
The Greatest Story: Creation - Chilliwack Campus
03/11/2019It was Bobette Buster who said, "Narrative is our culture’s currency; he who tells the best story wins”, and she’s absolutely right. As we embark on a four-week series on The Greatest Story we begin with the first of four major movements in the...
Who Is the Greatest? - Agassiz Campus
03/11/2019The attitude and posture we carry are critical as we step up & out to help others by meeting their needs (Luke 10). Today’s text will guide us to a deeper understanding of what’s truly important as we engage the will & work of God and His...
The End of Doubt - Promontory Campus
03/11/2019Have you ever spent so long on WebMD that you convinced yourself you had a disease? We as Christians can spend so long thinking about all the different doubts that people have, that we can forget the confidence that we have in Jesus. The book of...
A Faithful Presence - Lake Errock Campus
02/11/2019Ever wonder how we help someone see the good of the gospel, especially if one finds oneself talking to a tough, unfamiliar crowd? Isn’t it our good fortune that Dr. Luke recorded Paul’s trip to Athens in Acts 17 for us to learn from the master?
Is Church Even Important? - Agassiz Campus
27/10/2019Given the previous questions about the historical injustices in the church and the hypocrisy of churchgoers, it’s natural to be skeptical of the value of church. Is it really important? Can the church offer me anything I cannot get from personal study...
Is Church Even Important? - Promontory Campus
27/10/2019If you can listen to this online, does it really matter if you show up on a Sunday? Can’t you get enough from just a podcast or hanging out with some Christian friends? According to the New Testament, it makes a huge difference. The church is the...
Faith Under Conviction - Chilliwack Campus
27/10/2019The key to a dynamic church, a faith under conviction, is the belief that Jesus is the only hope for the world. This type of faith is a faith in Jesus that engages in such a way so as to do whatever it takes to carry people to Jesus.
Is Church Even Important? - Lake Errock Campus
26/10/2019As this series draws to a close, we want to explore something that could help cause doubt and something that doubt can lead to questioning the validity of Church. Is it even important?
Don’t All The Injustices In Church History Discredit Christianity? - Agassiz Campus
20/10/2019As we examine the epic story of King David’s failure we will begin to understand the relationship between sinful people called to be ambassadors for Christ and the perfection of Christ. It’s in this relationship that we can begin to more clearly...
Don’t All The Injustices In Church History Discredit Christianity? - Promontory Campus
20/10/2019As we examine the epic story of King David’s failure we will begin to understand the relationship between sinful people called to be ambassadors for Christ and the perfection of Christ. It’s in this relationship that we can begin to more clearly...
Is Church Even Important? - Chilliwack Campus
20/10/2019Given the previous questions about the historical injustices in the church and the hypocrisy of churchgoers, it’s natural to be skeptical of the value of church. Is it really important? Can the church offer me anything I cannot get from personal study...
Don’t All The Injustices In Church History Discredit Christianity? - Lake Errock Campus
19/10/2019As we examine the epic story of King David’s failure we will begin to understand the relationship between sinful people called to be ambassadors for Christ and the perfection of Christ. It’s in this relationship that we can begin to more clearly...
Isn’t Christianity Just Another Fairy Tale? - Agassiz Campus
13/10/2019Santa Claus. The Tooth Fairy. Leprechauns. God? In this week’s sermon in our series on doubt, we explore reasons for believing that Christianity is true, why it’s thought to be a fairy tale in the first place, and what can happen when one embraces it...
Isn’t Christianity Just Another Fairy Tale? - Promontory Campus
13/10/2019Isn’t a book about miracles, floods, resurrection and supernatural things just a big fairy tale? Why would anyone believe that? The Bible presents us with the truth of what God has done throughout history and most amazing what he has done for us in...
Don’t All The Injustices In Church History Discredit Christianity? - Chilliwack Campus
13/10/2019As we examine the epic story of King David’s failure we will begin to understand the relationship between sinful people called to be ambassadors for Christ and the perfection of Christ. It’s in this relationship that we can begin to more clearly...
Isn’t Christianity Just Another Fairy Tale? - Lake Errock Campus
12/10/2019Santa Claus. The Tooth Fairy. Leprechauns. God? In this week’s sermon in our series on doubt, we explore reasons for believing that Christianity is true, why it’s thought to be a fairy tale in the first place, and what can happen when one embraces it...
Doesn’t Science Refute Too Much Of The Bible? - Promontory Campus
06/10/2019The advancement of science has often been given as a good reason to disbelieve the Bible and even the idea of God. The Bible and science always seem to be put at odds with one another. But instead of pushing us away from science, the Bible actually...
Doesn’t Science Refute Too Much Of The Bible? - Agassiz Campus
06/10/2019As we press into both scripture and the world of science, we may just find ourselves agreeing with the professor of experimental physics, Russel Cowburn, when he declares, “Understanding more of science does not make God smaller. It allows us to see...
Isn’t Christianity Just Another Fairy Tale? - Chilliwack Campus
06/10/2019Santa Claus. The Tooth Fairy. Leprechauns. God? In this week’s sermon in our series on doubt, we explore reasons for believing that Christianity is true, why it’s thought to be a fairy tale in the first place, and what can happen when one embraces it...