Central Community Church sermons
The Secret of Contentment - Lake Errock Campus
31/08/2019We face discontentment and danger on all sides, whether from sickness, health, poverty, or wealth. Yet in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, Paul calls us to the one who can strengthen us and teach us to be content—Jesus Christ. Through seeking...
Evidences of Gospel Faithfulness - Chilliwack Campus
25/08/2019Paul consistently exhorts the church to follow his example of Gospel faithfulness. He famously told the Corinthian church to imitate him as he imitated Christ and places the same charge on the Philippian church. As we examine Paul’s interaction with...
Thinking and Acting in Pursuit of God - Promontory Campus
25/08/2019What thoughts or ideas fill your mind on a daily basis? Do they point you towards God or distract from him? The Apostle Paul challenges to think and consequently act in a way that draws us nearer to our Lord.
What Ya Thinkin? - Agassiz Campus
25/08/2019Few would argue that our actions flow out of our thoughts. In this passage, the Apostle Paul identifies how the thoughts we choose to dwell on impact our enjoying the God of Peace.
The Peace of God - Lake Errock Campus
24/08/2019Peace. Many think this means just the absence of war or violence, but God’s peace goes far deeper than that. Paul wants nothing more for his beloved church in Philippi to experience it. In fact, in this week’s passage, he tells them it’s within their...
What Ya Thinkin? - Chilliwack Campus
18/08/2019Few would argue that our actions flow out of our thoughts. In this passage, the Apostle Paul identifies how the thoughts we choose to dwell on the impact our enjoying the God of Peace.
Rejoicing & Anxiety - Agassiz Campus
18/08/2019Our culture is currently facing an anxiety epidemic. As Christians, we are not immune. How does God’s word help us face anxiety and depression and cultivate joy and peace in Jesus? In Philippians 4:1-7 Paul helps us answer this question.
Rejoicing & Anxiety - Promontory Campus
18/08/2019Our culture is currently facing an anxiety epidemic. As Christians, we are not immune. How does God’s word help us face anxiety and depression and cultivate joy and peace in Jesus? In Philippians 4:1-7 Paul helps us answer this question.
Stress Free Living - Lake Errock Campus
17/08/2019It seems that there is so much to be anxious for in life. Work brings anxiety. Life choices bring anxiety. Family brings anxiety. The world is full of anxiety. Yet the scriptures show us how to overcome and defeat anxiety. Paul shows us the path...
Rejoicing & Anxiety - Chilliwack Campus
11/08/2019Our culture is currently facing an anxiety epidemic. As Christians, we are not immune. How does God’s word help us face anxiety and depression and cultivate joy and peace in Jesus? In Philippians 4:1-7 Paul helps us answer this question.
Keep On Pressing On - Agassiz Campus
11/08/2019The Christian life is a path of discipleship that can, at times, be difficult. So, in our walk with Jesus, we need to, as the Apostle Paul put it, “press on”. And to “keep on pressing on” requires a proper perspective of our past, the present, and...
Straining for the Prize - Promontory Campus
11/08/2019Most athletes have to compete knowing that all their work might be for nothing. They can train for years and never even make it on the podium, let alone actually win the top prize. However, the Christian life comes with a promise, that for those who...
Ready, Set, Go! - Lake Errock Campus
10/08/2019Are we there yet? This is a common cry for many things. Road trips. Life circumstances such as starting/finishing school or a career or a relationship. This even goes for heaven. Yet, we can get distracted by all sorts of things. Paul is back this...
A Joyful Reminder - Promontory Campus
04/08/2019We all need reminders from time to time. It is easy to forget what we once knew and so we need people to remind us. Paul does exactly that, he reminds the church in Philippi about the message of the Gospel and it is a reminder all of us need to hear.
A Proper Christian Perspective - Chilliwack Campus
04/08/2019A proper Christian perspective is informed by how we view our past, present, and future.
Misplaced Confidence - Agassiz Campus
04/08/2019Even if righteousness before God depended on the standards we hold ourselves to, we would all be condemned by that standard. We all fall short. So where should our confidence lie? This text (and many others in the Bible) tells us that our confidence...
Divine Mathematics - Lake Errock Campus
03/08/2019Ever been let down by something you thought was the right thing to do? As we continue our series, Paul writes to his friends in Philippi that they don’t need to worry about being let down when it comes to faith in Jesus. Although they see others...
Two Lights Who Shone - Agassiz Campus
28/07/2019After a fairly “heavy” section of teaching and exhortation to this church that he is so thankful for, Paul takes a “time out” to give the Philippian's examples of two sanctified lives to show them that it’s actually possible to do what he’s been...
Serving And Suffering For The Joy Of Others - Promontory Campus
28/07/2019Paul sets forward Timothy and Epaphroditus as two flesh and blood examples of his earlier teaching on Christ—examples of serving and suffering, for the sake of Christ, for the joy of others. In the pursuit of embodying these characteristics ourselves...
Misplaced Confidence - Chilliwack Campus
28/07/2019Even if righteousness before God depended on the standards we hold ourselves to, we would all be condemned by that standard. We all fall short. So where should our confidence lie? This text (and many others in the Bible) tells us that our confidence...