Central Community Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • How God Brings Life From Death


    Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones and parallel New Testament passages show us that just as the Spirit of God gives life to the dead and vanquished nation of Israel through the prophetic word, so the indwelling and controlling Holy Spirit...

  • The Glory Days


    Have you ever found yourself becoming apathetic about serving Jesus, believing the glory days are over? A couple of obscure prophets will help shake us out of apathy and remind us about what remains and what’s to come.

  • Parables: Persistent Prayer - Agassiz


    Today’s message can be best summarized within the text itself: “And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” (Luke 18:1) Learn what it takes to persist in prayer as you discover who you pray to, what you...

  • Parables: A Foundation for Life - Lake Errock


    Today we’ll learn about the greatest deception that could ruin our lives for eternity, a deception so subtle that can go unseen even by those closer to us and more dangerous than anything under the sun. We need to learn how to recognize it and cling...

  • Parables: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector


    We often forget that Jesus ministry often called out the religiously self-righteous, yet is this what concerns us in the church today? Jesus parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector will remind us of God’s upside down kingdom

  • Parables: Be Found Ready


    We don’t know when but Jesus is coming again. How will He find us living when He returns? In the Parable of the Watchful Servant Jesus instructs us to ‘be awake’ and found going about His work when He returns.

  • Parables: “You Must Be Ready” - Agassiz


    We don’t know when but Jesus is coming again. How will He find us living when He returns? In the Parable of the Watchful Servant Jesus instructs us to ‘be awake’ and found going about His work when He returns.

  • Parables: Dishonest Manager


    It seems incredible that Jesus would tell a story where the dishonest person is the one being commended, yet that is exactly what he does. But he is not praised because he was dishonest but because he used his limited time and resources well...

  • Shaped By The Gospel: Politics


    Politics is one of the subjects you’re not supposed to talk about at the dinner table…or in the pulpit. Yet, 1. The Bible talks about it, and 2. It is one of the most polarizing issues of our moment. So how can followers of Jesus think Christianly...

  • Parables: Treasure


    Jesus tells two short parables about the gospel as a treasure in a field and pearl of great price. The two men in the parable recognized the value of what they found, were determined to have it, sold everything they had to make the purchase, and...

  • Shaped By The Gospel: Race


    In light of the recent “black lives matter” demonstrations that took place around the world and the more recent tragic news from Kamloops about a survey of the grounds at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School that uncovered the remains of 215...

  • Youth Sunday: This Changes Everything


    What did you want to be when you were young? Did you want to be a firefighter, doctor, or police officer? Often as kids we can dream about what we want to be, but as we get older the reality of that question can become daunting. Its especially true of...

  • Followers of Jesus


    Pentecost Sunday transforms the way that we are called to follow Jesus because we are empowered to imitate his example. Peter shows us how we rely on the Holy Spirit in our ministry and the goal of using our spiritual gifts for the glory of God.

  • Evidence of a Changed Life


    When someone experiences a radical physical transformation, they often look completely different – sometime even unrecognizable. Likewise, when a person encounters Christ (as Saul did), they are radically changed! Do our lives reflect this change?...

  • A Terrorist Gets a Testimony


    What transpires in our text is the most famous conversion story in all of church history. While Saul’s conversion and commissioning are unique, there is still a great deal for all of us to learn by studying his.

  • Evangelism 101


    Philip shifts from mass evangelism in Samaria to personal evangelism on a desert road. We learn a lot about sharing the gospel with others through his example.

  • Simon Says


    If our enemy can’t divide, discourage or destroy the church through ravaging persecution, he will switch strategies and employ distraction. As the early church faced a threat of distraction that had the potential to derail it from its message (The...

  • When The Church Is Forced To Scatter


    The mission of the church continues (and even thrives) when it is forced to scatter due to persecution. This reality isn’t isolated to Acts 8. It has played out throughout church history and into our present day. The question for us is, are we...

  • The First Martyr


    The first martyr of the church shows us not only what it looks like to boldly face even death without wavering, but also what a commitment to the gospel looks like in showing mercy. Stephen prayed for the forgiveness of his enemies as we have been...

  • Easter Sunday: Glorification


    Today we celebrate Easter! And the resurrection and glorification that Jesus experienced is promised to all who believe in His name! Our text tells us that those 'whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and...

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