Central Community Church sermons
The Hope Of Lament - All Campuses
22/03/2020Hope springs from truth rehearsed. What is the truth we are to rehearse and how do we rehearse it? In the depths of his suffering, Lamentations 3 reveals how Jeremiah was able to pivot from hopelessness and grief to hope in the faithfulness of God...
17/03/2020For clarity + encouragement, our Lead Pastor will be doing a weekly ministry update + short devotional, available in our sermon podcast feed.
Lamentations 2 - Chilliwack Campus
15/03/2020We wrestle with God’s presence, or lack thereof, in the midst of our suffering. Is he there? Does he care? What about the sin I know is in my own life? Lamentations 2 helps us understand how we should respond to sin and suffering in light of God’s...
13/03/2020Services and midweek ministries at all campuses suspended. Join us ONLINE this Sunday.
Central’s Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
10/03/2020Steps Central is taking to pursue the well-being of our church family and community. Plus, a call to embody the calm, care, and courage the Christian Faith affords us at times like these
Learning The Language Of Lament - Agassiz Campus
08/03/2020Over the course of Lent, we are going to learn a new language together. A biblical language: The language of lament. Lament provides us the opportunity to talk to God through the pain, whether it’s a lament of circumstances in our own lives or lament...
Learning The Language Of Lament - Promontory Campus
08/03/2020Learning a new language can be difficult but it's necessary if we want to be able to communicate in different ways. In the same way, learning to lament well is necessary if we want to communicate with God even in our pain. We begin this new...
Lamentations 1: Living In The Land Of Lament - Chilliwack Campus
08/03/2020The smoldering ruins of Jerusalem set the stage for the Book of Lamentations. What brought about their destruction, why are devastating poems in the Bible, is it right of God to afflict His people like that, and how does all of this affect His people...
Learning The Language Of Lament - Lake Errock Campus
07/03/2020Over the course of Lent, we are going to learn a new language together. A biblical language: The language of lament. Lament provides us the opportunity to talk to God through the pain, whether it’s a lament of circumstances in our own lives or lament...
Laodicea (And Central) - Agassiz Campus
01/03/2020Jesus essentially tells the church in Laodicea that their spiritual condition was nauseating. The scariest part of lukewarm Christianity is that its participants are completely unaware. So what are the signs of a lukewarm Christian? And what is the...
Learning The Language Of Lament - Chilliwack Campus
01/03/2020Over the course of Lent, we are going to learn a new language together. A biblical language: The language of lament. Lament provides us the opportunity to talk to God through the pain, whether it’s lament of circumstances in our own lives or lament of...
Zealous Repentance - Promontory Campus
01/03/2020The final letter that Jesus writes to the churches is a letter of correction and yet it contains hope for every church. Jesus is still at work in this church and he is still at work in our lives as well. We are called to be zealous and repent...
Zealous Repentance - Lake Errock Campus
29/02/2020The final letter that Jesus writes to the churches is a letter of correction and yet it contains hope for every church. Jesus is still at work in this church and he is still at work in our lives as well. We are called to be zealous and repent...
Laodicea (And Central) - Chilliwack Campus
23/02/2020Jesus essentially tells the church in Laodicea that their spiritual condition was nauseating. The scariest part of lukewarm Christianity is that its participants are completely unaware. So what are the signs of a lukewarm Christian? And what is the...
Philly’s Special - Promontory Campus
23/02/2020Have you ever wondered what sets a church like Philadelphia (all commendation) from a church like Laodicea (all condemnation)? Today’s passage reveals that at least one of the factors is patient endurance, or put another way, spiritual maturity.
Philly’s Special - Agassiz Campus
23/02/2020Have you ever wondered what sets a church like Philadelphia (all commendation) from a church like Laodicea (all condemnation)? Today’s passage reveals that at least one of the factors is patient endurance, or put another way, spiritual maturity.
Philly’s Special - Lake Errock Campus
22/02/2020Have you ever wondered what sets a church like Philadelphia (all commendation) from a church like Laodicea (all condemnation)? Today’s passage reveals that at least one of the factors is patient endurance, or put another way, spiritual maturity.
Build My House - Agassiz Campus
16/02/2020Has there ever been a time in your life when you tried building something on your own, only for it to failure miserable, and for you to be left exhausted and full of anxiety at the end of the day? The same thing happens in our homes, family, and...
Building a Family - Chilliwack Campus
16/02/2020What does it look like to allow Jesus to build your family and the family of God? When we rely on him, the results are rest and blessing. But when we rely on ourselves, the results are anxiety and busyness. That kind of life will go nowhere. But as we...