Climb aboard the starship Retrospecticus with your hosts Bianca and Brian through the turbulent cyberseas of Yesterwhen! We're so enthusiastic about old computer technology and classic video games that you'd better buckle your bulkhead to the poop deck!
Episode 16 – Want A Balloon, Sonny?
18/05/2015 Duración: 02h43minPlease give an overenthusiastic wave to our special guest Bram who joins us this week to talk about puzzle games. In true Square Waves FM style we all put together mammoth lists of infuriating puzzly goodness but barely scratched the surface. Stay tuned for future episodes on the topic, and as always we’d love to […]
Episode 15.5 – This Unit is Shock Resistant
10/05/2015 Duración: 35minHappy Mother’s Day! In this lonely episode sans-Brian, Chris gives a short monologue on how important his mom was in introducing him to the games we love. We will be back next week for regularly scheduled programming. Music in the outro is from Another World (Sega CD) by Jean-Francois Freitas.
Episode 15 – Ketchup
03/05/2015 Duración: 03h23minWhat did the tomato say to his slow son? It saddened us to skip last week’s show due to meatspace responsibilities, but we’re overjoyed to have received so many emails and voice mails. We spend this week’s show playing catchup. talking about and around our would-be topic of MMOs and responding to listener feedback. We […]
Episode 14 – Much Ado About Nothing
20/04/2015 Duración: 02h20minVroom vroom! Chris and Brian rev their engines in preparation before the big drag race but burn up all their fuel before the light turns green. This week we were fully (somewhat, not entirely) prepared to continue our discussion about Massively Multplayer Online Games (MMOGs) but got so worked up over our own stories and […]
Episode 13 – Shields Up, Lord British!
13/04/2015 Duración: 02h49minThe gruesome twosome take a look inside their bag of holding and find bottomless memories about their first massively multiplayer online games. Join us in our in-depth discussions of Ultima Online and Guild Wars for tales of memories, mechanics, and regicide! And could this be our most unfocused, lengthy, rambling, off-topic preamble yet? Yeah, probably. […]
Episode 12 – Hey, This Isn’t A Library
06/04/2015 Duración: 02h54minWe span the netherest of lands to bring you Amayirot Akago who joins our discussion of PC gaming magazines of yore. It’s a thorough (eventual) discussion about the gaming and computing mags that tantalized our imaginations with enthusiastic text, colourful screenshots, and hyper-embellished advertisements. Also some love for early Japanese survival horror games, as well […]
Episode 11 – If You’ve Come For The Fork
30/03/2015 Duración: 02h56minThe awesome twosome return this week to continue our discussion about ye olde CD-ROME gamese. You’ll feel like a squiggly psychiatrist as Chris reclines on the therapeutic sofa and regales us with tales of his mother. Meanwhile, Brian becomes so overwhelmed with fondness he can barely articulate himself. This week’s song is gu56.mid by George […]
Episode 10 – Ask Me About Boom
22/03/2015 Duración: 02h02minThis week we welcome Chris Olson as our guest. Brian and Chris are shocked to find out that there are no technical corrections for the last episode (yet). We nosedive into a discussion of old school flight sims right off the bat before getting down to business. Brian discloses his sexy threesome date with Jones […]
Episode 9 – Director? I hardly knew her!
15/03/2015 Duración: 02h54minThis week we welcome Anatoly Shashkin aka DOSnostalgic to the funny farm as we discuss games made with the Macromedia Director platform. Myst clones, glorified slideshows, interactive storybooks, we cover them all! Be sure to check out the ISOs in the show notes to try out some of these games. The song at the end […]
Episode 8 – Godly Podcast of the Whale (Multiplayer Part II)
08/03/2015 Duración: 02h55minWe’re keeping good on a week-only promise and returning to the beloved Part II of our Multiplayer episode. If you’re the type that likes background radiation while you’re commuting or working, we don’t disappoint in this 3 hour mini-epic. Brian and Chris continue the conversation on some of the well-known, and not so well-known multiplayer […]
Episode 7 – The Perils of Roberta
01/03/2015 Duración: 03h53sHoo! Don’t go in there, Graham; a poooisonous podcast! This week we’re joined by the boisterous and charming Francisco Gonzalez to declare that we will discuss all Sierra games and not only Roberta Williams, but end up discussing little more than this bourgeois master storyteller. Tune in to score full points on Ken’s Quest. The […]
Episode 6 – The Hot Seat
23/02/2015 Duración: 02h34minFlush your keyboard buffers and untangle your Y-splitter cables because we’re talking about early multiplayer gaming this week. We ran our mouths a little too long (imagine that) so we’ll resume with part 2 soon. Big thanks to Troels for sharing his harrowing story about programming adventure games in BASIC. Also, a very special thanks […]
Episode 5 – First Loves
16/02/2015 Duración: 03h01minIn this week’s daily dose of 80s and 90s gaming nostalgia, we welcome a new guest to the podcast: Mr. Ben Chandler! This week we discuss our first loves: flight sims, arcade conversions, graphical adventures, hotseat multiplayer, city builders, physics puzzlers and a capitalist brainwashing simulator by the name of Donald Duck’s Playground. Brian coins a […]
Episode 4 – MOD Tracker Mayhem, Mayhem, Mayhem! aka …
09/02/2015 Duración: 02h25minWelcome to Episode 4, where Brian and Chris come clean about their unabashed love for Rebel Assault and Myst, and Troels airs out a fearful encounter with Jim Walls. This week we welcome our first special guest, the Space Quest Historian himself: Troels Pleimert! Fearing nothing, we plunge into a deep discussion of the pitfalls of Star Wars: […]
Episode 3 – The Doors
02/02/2015 Duración: 02h21minWelcome to episode 3, where Brian gets to talk about an awkward BBS meet-up with a fashion model, and Chris admits his voyeurism in The Last Express. You decide which is worse. This week we discuss the multiplayer door games of the BBS era like Solar Realms Elite, Barren Realms Elite, VGA Planets, Legend of the Red Dragon, and Tradewars […]
Episode 2 – All Your Message Base Are Belong To Us
25/01/2015 Duración: 01h20minIt’s episode 2, now with 65% more meandering! This week we continue our discussion of dial-up BBSes of the 90s with a look message bases, local and geographically distributed instances, and QWK message packets. And don’t miss Chris’s amazing tale of dorking out with the one and only John Romero! The song at the end […]
Square Waves FM Episode 1 – BBS, Yes Oh Yes
11/01/2015 Duración: 01h29minWelcome to the inaugural episode of the Square Wave FM podcast! Your hosts Chris and Brian bring you the very latest in decades-old historical computing, retro gaming, and all-round nerdery. In this week’s episode we wax nostalgic about dial-up BBSes and old telecommunications hardware and protocols. It’s every bit as enthralling as it sounds, we […]