Reveal Gathering



We exist to reveal Christ in Word, Worship, and Community.



    13/09/2017 Duración: 38min

    Reputation Many of us live by it, some want to forget it, and others are still trying to make it. But what if it didn't matter? Genesis highlights a lot of reputations but does not glorify them as the character of the men and women are being molded by God. Joseph found himself without an ounce of positive reputation. He was left only with his own character.


    06/09/2017 Duración: 48min

    Dream big. Many times we think dreams mean something, or are stories for the future. Fortunately God is not someone to cause confusion. Joseph was placed in a bad situation by his brothers because of his dream. Although Jacobs dream scared his family, everything happened for a reason. God's plan for Joseph still worked even though man tried to interrupt. If we have dreams in life, no matter how big they are, if they are benefiting the kingdom of the Lord, with His help He will allow us to accomplish these dreams. But it’s up to us take that first step, and dream.

  • JACOB 2

    30/08/2017 Duración: 40min

    Jacob found himself in a position many of us find ourselves in, somewhere fighting for what we believe in even if it's not right. Jacob saw what he needed to pursue, yet his flesh wanted something else. We as Christians today tend to know what God has set out for us, yet we still follow the wickedness of our hearts as it seems like the “better choice”, but we must pursue Christ no matter what our flesh wants. In the end, the so called better choice, if it is from ourselves usually never comes close in comparison to the what Lord marks out for us.


    23/08/2017 Duración: 41min

    Jacob found himself so desperate where nothing on earth could fulfill what he was looking for. Why didn't he just ask for God's help in the first place? Because in order for him to realize what he was doing wrong Jacob had to get the point of total desperation. Although blessing and a future was set out for Jacob, sin got in the way. Jacob saw that staying united with God is necessary, and the same goes for today, God is always reaching out to us. We just have to be desperate for Him.

  • ISAAC 2

    16/08/2017 Duración: 58min

    Some of us are trained to think a blessing is destroyed if we fall or mess up somewhere. Sometimes even the will of God is “messed up” if we take a different route. God's will is always done, because we all have shortcomings including Isaac. Isaac found himself in a false reality where a lie pretended to be truth. Yet, God's will for Isaac still followed, even though his path was unclean.

  • Second Coming of Christ

    08/08/2017 Duración: 43min
  • Power of the Holy Spirit

    07/08/2017 Duración: 39min

    02/08/2017 Duración: 35min

    Gods faithfulness does not compare to the faithfulness of man. In Genesis 24, we again see that God does not hold back on displaying how faithful He is. From the beginning where the original promise was made, to the end of the chapter where Isaac and Rebekah were joined together, God is faithful to His promises.

  • The Saving Grace of Jesus

    26/07/2017 Duración: 42min

    This week, two special guests from God Will Provide Life Change Center give an account of there life changing testimonies. From living in sin at years at a time, to serving God full time gives us an insight that lives still can be transformed today if true repentance is done.


    19/07/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    When Abraham is asked to make a sacrifice with his one and only promised son, What would Abraham do? His first instinct was trust. All Abraham could do was to trust.


    12/07/2017 Duración: 36min

    With the journey Abraham and Sarah are going through the destination seems to be so distant and unreal that only their current walk seems to matter. With the promised child and the countless blessings, the two have seen enough to realize they are under the grace of God and only that will get them to their destination. The reason behind a perfect grace is based around something that contrasts it. It would not be highlighted so dramatically if the opposing side was small. We see that the unrighteous people of Sodom witness the Lord's wrath and were killed along with their city. Grace was upon the people of God, even though wrath was present. The grace of God can only be in effect if we are living a righteous and honorable life towards the Father.


    28/06/2017 Duración: 44min

    A promise is only promise if it is fully fulfilled. Whether the person accepts the promise or not, if it is fulfilled, it is still a promise. God grants promises even when we don't believe it is possible like He did with the story of Abraham's son, The act of trusting in God and believing in any promise rewinds back to the first and most important act - knowing God. Faith in His promises and other acts come from our obedience in Him.


    21/06/2017 Duración: 36min

    We see God spoke to Abraham and made a covenant with him, yet after years and years passing through, the promise was still not fulfilled. Many times we might hear the voice of God in our life, yet time passes and doubt begins to fill our minds because promises that were once made seem to be so far away. God had a purpose for Abraham and his wife to have a child, and He had purpose to grant this child to them at age they never expected. God has a purpose behind all his promises, and also a purpose for the timing behind it.

  • A LOT

    14/06/2017 Duración: 46min

    Abram, a man granted with promises that seemed impossible to perspective. A man promised to be a generation starter at the age of 100. In all the impossible promises from God to Abram, one thing is clear, God's promises never fail, they are just interrupted. God promised Abram such great things that even Abram himself couldn’t believe it would be possible. The beauty in the story is highlighted in the simple subject - God granting man trust. Trust in man isn’t logical as the first two man and women fell at the temptation of the evil one. Even though God knows man is unworthy of glory, God blesses Abram with theses promises.


    07/06/2017 Duración: 45min

    Abram had a job from God. This job had very beneficial payoffs and a high success rate. Blessings upon blessing from above were promised. Yet even though God placed a large amount of trust a human to do this job. Trust in man has no good outcome, but trust in God is guaranteed to fulfill.


    17/05/2017 Duración: 37min

    Covenant: " A usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement." Merriam Webster It is a sort of bond a man or woman makes, that has a promise of fulfillment. The Lord created covenants with Adam, Noah, and Abraham. He made these to display what it means to have a sort of relationship between human and God. There were many covenants that are made in Bible and some of them that are still meaningful to us today, but others may be understood in a different way, what makes a difference is noticing why covenants are purposed for us. How God is still reaching out to us today.


    10/05/2017 Duración: 57min

    Through deception, and eventually the action of sin during and after the deed was done, Adam and Eve had something to hide. A fall. The fall of man was not consistent until the day it happened in the Garden of Eden. It was actually so unfamiliar that the first beings on earth, didn't even know what the fall was. They didn't have a doubt in mind that sin was even a thing - that is was even possible. Many times we as man and women try to hide from the fall, yet we don't give in to idea that man and women chose sin in the beginning. We tend to forget that if we don't let the life inside of us light up, we will keep falling.


    03/05/2017 Duración: 51min

    God had direct intends for Adam and Eve. He precisely has Adam name all the animals and livestock of the world. He gives Eve the job to be the man's helper. Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18. The blueprint of humanity. Although there is a trip in the walk of these two, God still has mercy and grace over them. The mistakes of these two will forever be known to us today, but that doesn't give us a excuse to mess up and sin. As many of us know, sin is very present today. Purity and living a good and faithful life is also very known today too. Even though we may not see it, living the good and pure life will always be the better option. As the ending of Genesis 2 mentions, “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” They were not ashamed because no sin or guilt was present.


    26/04/2017 Duración: 36min

    Without God, all that is left is darkness. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Why did God create the heavens and earth first? Do we ever consider the fact that God had a plan for these two to hold billions of people? The creator of the HEAVENS and the EARTH created you and I. The creator of the HEAVENS and EARTH made every plant or piece of land you set your eyes on. The Creator, gave you place to live on, and also a place to hope for. The Creator, is a Genesis God. A God, with a purpose behind creating a “home” for us first, and also creating a “home” for us in the future.

  • Hungry But Full

    22/03/2017 Duración: 26min

    Being content with what we have is difficult in today's society which embraces the more the merrier. Just as a child is never is full until he is offered more of something he truly wants, the same rings true for humanity. But regardless, the child knows what is to come whether he claims to be “full” or not. The child has a want, although he claims otherwise before. Paul reveals that in Jesus, does true satisfaction and a desire to abound in every situation exists.

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