National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans



National Cyber Security, the only "Daily" Cyber Security news show in the world.The show is has been designed for the laymen person who may not be technical, but also informative enough for all of the computer geeks of the world. Think of it like the CNN Headline News of Cyber SecurityOur daily news includes the latest news in hacking, id theft, IT Jobs, Government Security, Risk Management and 60+ other categories. Execute Produced by one of the worlds most known and respected Ex-hacker Gregory Evans ( National Cyber Security is guaranteed to deliver the news you the people want to hear and see.If you have a show idea please email it to


  • NCS 7/19/11

    19/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    The recent rash of hackings may start to slow down soon as law officers continued to crack down on those they believe are responsible.  Sixteen suspected members of "Anonymous" were arrested this morning in states including Florida, New Jersey and California, in what appears to be a nationwide takedown of the notorious hacking group according to reports. Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group told staff to change their passwords and tighten security, sources said on Tuesday, after hackers attacked the website of his tabloid The Sun.  Hackers on Monday redirected The Sun's online readers to a fake page that reported Murdoch had been found dead in his garden. Members of the hacking group LulzSec, who recently announced they had disbanded, took responsibility for the attack in messages posted via the social networking site Twitter and said they were preparing more online assaults. If you’ve seen the movie Minority Report, you might be able to relate to this story The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification an

  • NCS 7/18/11

    18/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    Superstar Lady Gaga might be singing the blues after her website was hacked.  The group SwagSec allegedly broke into the singer’s website late last month and stole thousands of personal details including e-mail addresses.  Financial details were not stolen according to Universal Music.  Toshiba announced that it was one of the latest victims of hackers also.  The company says a server belonging to its U.S. unit was a target, with hackers getting the information of more than 75 hundred customers.  The stolen information was comprised of a small number of email addresses and other data but information like credit card and social security numbers was not stolen.  The hacking group Anonymous says it doesn’t need Google+ and has decided to start its own social networking site.  Google+ dumped the group from its site for violating its community standards.  Anonymous’ site is under construction now.  So far, it consists of an explanation of how it came to be and a promise to be up and running soon.  We will also

  • NCS 7/15/11

    15/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    Russia and the U.S. are working to reduce chances for a cyber security incident that could damage the countries' relationship, according to the top cyber security adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama.  Howard Schmidt, the White House cyber security adviser, wrote about a recent meeting with Russian officials where the two countries agreed to exchange technical information on problems such as botnets and have "crisis prevention" communications links by the end of the year. Thousands of Sydney, Australia households are placing their personal information at risk and inadvertently protecting fraudsters by not securing their home Wi-Fi networks, a newspaper investigation has shown.  NSW Police have prosecuted individuals for crimes involving fraud and child exploitation material who were using unsecured wireless internet networks to commit offences, said Bruce Van Der Graaf from the NSW Police fraud squad. When being questioned by officers Wednesday, a Lousiana  man told investigators from the Lafayette Police

  • NCS 7/14/11

    14/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    The Pentagon said today that a foreign government was behind a cyber attack that led to 24,000 files being stolen from military computers. William Lynn, the deputy secretary of defense, disclosed that attack during a speech outlining the Defense Department's cyber security strategy. Googlelaunched an entirely new user interface for its mobile platform Tuesday, completely changing the layout of the application portal.  The new Market client is designed to better showcase top apps and games, engage users with an improved UI, and provide a quicker path to downloading or purchasing your products. Sprint Nextel will confirm its network-sharing agreement with LightSquared in conjunction with its earnings announcement on July 28, according to people familiar with the situation.  The agreement, in which Sprint's network will be used as the infrastructure backbone to LightSquared's upcoming 4G Long-Term Evolution network, will shed some light on where Sprint wants to head with its own 4G ambitions.

  • NCS 7/13/11

    13/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    A U.S. man who hacked into his neighbors' Wi-Fi network and tried to frame them with threatening emails to the U.S. vice president has been sentenced to 18 years in jail.  U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank sentenced Barry Ardolf, 46, on Tuesday after listening to the tearful testimony of the victim. Hacker group Anonymous on July 11 released a trove of military email addresses and passwords it claimed to have plundered from the network of U.S. defense consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton.  Anonymous made available a file containing more than 90,000 email addresses and other information it said in online messages that it stole from an unprotected server at Booz Allen. Verizon Wireless will hit the century mark with its 4G LTE next week, covering 100 markets with its speedy next-generation network.   Tulsa, Okla., will be the 100th market covered by Verizon's new network, which will officially be announced on July 21.

  • NCS 7/12/11

    12/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    The U.S. is taking a much harder look at cyber warfare and how it can affect the U.S. and how such attacks can be stopped. The Department of Defense is set to release the unclassified version of its cyber war-fighting strategy this week. The strategy was finalized months ago and has multiple goals to thwart attacks. The plan calls for the treatment of cyberspace as a domain which the military needs to protect and defend U.S. interests inside. For U.S. Army troops, smart phones could become requisite field gear, along with boots, guns and ammunition.  The Army is wrapping up a six-week program to test the viability of using touch screen phones and tablets in combat. The pilot program began on June 6 within the White Sands and Fort Bliss training areas in New Mexico and Texas.  This dry run has proved so encouraging that Army officials say they expect the first wave of smart phone-equipped soldiers could be shipped overseas later this year. Rhode Island officials on Monday unveiled a new team of law enforceme

  • NCS 7/11/11

    11/07/2011 Duración: 06min

    Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes journalists from The Sunday Times and The Sun newspapers tried to obtain private information from his financial records and telephone voice messages, a source close to Brown told reporters.  The efforts date back 10 years, and include periods when Brown was prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer, the source confirmed. A Department of Homeland Security official worries that components used in computing devices could be infected with spy components from foreign manufacturers. Many of the chips that make e-devices work come from overseas manufacturers. Here's the latest Apple rumor: The company reportedly is working on a new iPad, due out later this year, that will have a higher-resolution screen.   The new iPad is said to be a “pro” that could be used for high-end video editing and photography.  And as always, we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you listen.

  • NCS 7/8/11

    08/07/2011 Duración: 07min

    Hackers have apparently been at it again.  This time they targeted the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory which is a U.S. energy laboratory.  It’s another, attack on governmental targets, while authorities struggle to crack down on cyber-crimes and prevent further damage.  The Washington Post also felt the wrath of hackers.  Thursday the Washington Post said the database of its jobs site had been breached by hackers who stole about 1.27 million users' ids and email addresses.  The company said on its website that the Washington Post company’s jobs website was breached twice last month. Top U.S. officials are looking into the government having its own internet in an effort to protect it from cyber attacks.  Former CIA Director Michael Hayden, along with several lawmakers are considering the idea of creating a secure domain where fourth amendment rights to privacy are voluntarily foregone in order to keep that portion of the internet free of cyber criminals. 

  • NCS 7/7/11

    07/07/2011 Duración: 07min

    Tabloid News of the World in Britain will shut down after Sunday's issue.  The announcement follows accusations that the paper illegally eavesdropped on the phone messages of murder and terror victims, politicians and celebrities.  News International chairman James Murdoch said the scandal "sullied" the newspaper and "has no place in our company". Lawmakers in Virginia are cracking down on cyber criminals.  Starting this month, the state enacted what some are calling the nation’s first law that criminalizes phishing schemes.  Phishing occurs when someone sends out bulk e-mail messages designed to trick consumers into revealing bank account passwords, social security numbers and other personal information.  Facebook is getting into face to face interaction. The social networking giant introduced a video-calling feature on Wednesday in partnership with Skype, the popular internet video-chat provider. 

  • NCS 7/6/11

    06/07/2011 Duración: 08min

    Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc. have been slammed with a lawsuit accusing them of violating a Louisiana company's patent covering mapping technology that helps computer users see locations in three dimensions, according to reports. Russia and the United States are co-sponsoring a resolution to pre-empt cyber attacks that an influential international body is expected to adopt this week. The proposal calls for member nations to exchange information about the way they intend to deploy cyber technology during military conflicts.  A new study finds that kids can predict the future of technology. Researchers asked kids across the world to draw what they would like their computers or the internet to do that it can't do right now.   The goal of the study was to catch a glimpse into possible futures for technology as seen by people who have always used some form of technology. As always we will have our job of the day.  So, make sure you tune in.  

  • NCS 7/5/11

    05/07/2011 Duración: 07min

    The Fox News Politics’ twitter account has been hijacked and used to post fake reports about President Obama being assassinated.  The attack began with a message from the hacker that said: “Just regained full access to our twitter and email. Happy 4th.” Soon afterwards, the first Obama announcement was posted claiming that @barackobama has just passed. Hackers have not been slowing down at all.  This latest attack targeted Apple.   According to reports… the group, Antisec, posted a message to twitter on Sunday claiming to have gained access to private data from an Apple Inc. server. The fight against cyber crime needs to be stronger  and have international legal framework according to one British official.  The Minister for Crime and Security, James Brokenshire, says having that framework will enable perpetrators outside of the country of their victims to be tracked down and punished.     Also, make sure you listen to hear the job of the day.

  • NCS 7/1/11

    01/07/2011 Duración: 07min

    It seems that no place is safe when it comes to hackers,  not even the church.  St. Ambrose Cathedral in Des Moines, Iowa says that hackers swiped $680 thousand from them.  They planned to use the money to help the homeless and abused women.  German federal police say the country saw a nearly 20 percent rise in cyber crime last year, causing $89 million in damage.  Federal criminal police officers say that the number of cyber crime incidents rose to 59,839 in 2010 from 50,254 in 2009.  The increase is linked to greater consumer use of the internet for banking and purchases.  Lockheed Martin is selling its military and intelligence expertise to electric utilities as the world’s largest defense contractor tries to exploit a U.S. push to guard power grids from terrorists and hackers. Lockheed plans to enter the projected $1.3 billion market for utility cyber security next month with Palisade, a software program developed in partnership with American electric power Co. Of Columbus, OHIO. And as always we will

  • NCS 6/30/11

    30/06/2011 Duración: 08min

    There’s plenty happening in the cyber world today.  Twice in as many weeks the Arizona State Police were the target of hackers. Officials are reviewing the information released by a group called AntiSec.  The hackings just seem to keep coming, this time allegedly from Turkish hackers.  The latest attack targeted the Plain Township website along with others around the world.   Those who visited the website this morning saw a white screen with the word "hacked". And it was a game to one hacker but police were not laughing after invading a Florida home.  Apparently, a Canadian hacker got access to the X-Box in the home and used a handicapped line claiming someone had been stabbed and the parents and other people in the home were being held hostage at the house.   However… it was a hoax. Also, we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you tune in.

  • NCS 6/29/11

    29/06/2011 Duración: 07min

    In the news today,  people from all walks of life seem to be getting in on cyber crime… spying on people they know up close and personal.  Researchers in India studied more than 35 cases from all over Punjab and they investigated into those caught in the last eight months.  Experts say that a lack of patience… long distance relationships and a lack of respect for another person’s privacy are responsible for this new trend.  An Atlanta man is headed to jail for defrauding two major companies as well as hundreds of credit card holders.  37 year old Jean- Daniel Perkins was convicted of bank fraud… credit card fraud and aggravated identity theft Tuesday. Millions of websites all over the world routinely are built with one of the most basic security flaws because software designers are not taught anything about security, according to cyber security experts.  The flaw makes websites vulnerable to “SQL injection,” in which hackers take control of a site’s database. Also, we will have the job of the day.  Make su

  • NCS 6/28/11

    28/06/2011 Duración: 07min

    In the news today, it happened last month… but the effects of the Citi group hack can still be felt by the business and its customers.  Monday, the banking group announced that nearly 3 million dollars had been funneled by hackers in the cyber crime that compromised customers’ data.   Also, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ran a test this year to see how hard it was for hackers to corrupt workers and gain access to computer systems. It ended up being not too hard at all.  Staff secretly dropped computer discs and USB thumb drives in the parking lots of government buildings and private contractors.    And the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive task force is offering a reward for information leading to the capture of fugitive Mustaffa Shabazz.  He is wanted by the U.S. marshals, and the U.S. postal inspectors on charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud/credit card fraud and identity theft.    And always, we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you tune in.

  • NCS 6/27/11

    27/06/2011 Duración: 08min

    In cyber security news today, the hacking group LulzSec says they are calling it quits.  They claimed they hacked into numerous companies including Sony PlayStation and PBS.  While they are ending their hacking spree, LulzSec encouraged their twitter fans to follow the hacking group Anonymous.  So far, more than 60,000 people began following them just in one day.  Also, if you have been a victim of a hacker, there are several things you can do to protect yourself.  You should check your credit information regularly to make sure there are not fraudulent posts.  Also if your e-mail has been compromised, make sure you do not give out any information like your social security number or bank account information. 

  • NCS 6/24/11

    24/06/2011 Duración: 08min

    A cell phone used by Osama bin Laden’s courier appears to show that the al-Qaeda leader was aided by militants linked to Pakistani intelligence.  Calls reportedly from the device were traced to a militant group linked to Pakistan’s powerful inter-services intelligence agency.  NATO said one of its websites had come under cyber-attack, the latest in a spate of recent hacks.  The agency said its public e-bookshop, which is operated by an outside company, had been breached, but it did not contain any classified data.  Computer experts are trying to determine how an international group of hackers broke into the Arizona Department of Public Safety computers Thursday and downloaded and released hundreds of law-enforcement files.  The hacking group LulzSec has claimed responsibility for the attack.  And as always tune in for the job of the day.

  • NCS 6/23/11

    23/06/2011 Duración: 06min

    In cyber news today, President Obama signed rules for cyber warfare.  The guidelines stress the need to fortify defenses and strengthen cyber networks.  And you might be surprised to know that there hasn't been a huge surge in data breaches, at least according to one study.  The reports does say that the way companies now report breaches as well as how fast they report breaches has changed and brought about more media attention.  Also peer pressure and low self esteem seem to be behind younger children hacking.  A new study says typically if one child is a cyber criminal, their friends tend to participate in the same activity.  And as always, we will have the job of the day.

  • NCS 6/22/11

    22/06/2011 Duración: 07min

    In the news today, it's not just an American problem.  Hackers are targeting companies and governments from around the world.  That's why Australia has proposed new legislation to crack down on cyber crime.  Plus, Northrop Grumman says about a dozen separate legions of organized hackers try to steal sensitive information.  The company says it's not uncommon to see zero-day exploits coming in at 11- minute intervals.  And a new study by Lockheed Martin says that most government information technology decision makers want to use cloud computing despite security concerns.  Also, tune in for the job of the day.

  • NCS 6/21/11

    21/06/2011 Duración: 07min

    The UK and the US have teamed up to make an arrest involving the recent rash of hackings.  Law officers say a 19 year old man is behind bars.  They would not confirm that the suspect is in the hacking group LulzSec.  However, they did say they are investigating him for hackings that the group claimed responsibility for.  Nokia has released a new smart phone.  The Nokia 9 is all screen and is scheduled to hit stores later this year.  Also, the Department of Homeland Security has released a new cyber security guidance to help fight cyber crime.  We will also have the job of the day.  Make sure you tune in.

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