Jerry Banfield

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 470:58:33
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Sober, WPFB diet, husband, father, gamer, and an entrepreneur online with 55 video classes on Skillshare, 17 books, 613+ blog posts, 1,850+ YouTube videos, and 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify! Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • What can I accomplish in my life? What is the purpose of life?

    16/04/2015 Duración: 11min

    What do you hope to accomplish in your life? This is a question I often ask myself, and I often seek ways to try to get ahead in life. At the end of the day, life is fair because you start with nothing and you end with nothing. So how can you get ahead in life? Thank you for listening to this and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How I get through not liking how I feel and how I stopped trying to change it

    15/04/2015 Duración: 04min

    What do you do to get through challenging times in your life? When I was younger, I would often try to change the way I felt. For example, I would either act out, go to the gym and work out extra hard or turn to alcohol. Responding this way is often self-destructive, only results in short term relief and doesn't actually solve the problem at hand. Today, when I encounter challenges, I simply let them be. I don't change everything else in my life and I don't try and change how I feel. Embracing the pain of a challenging situation can be difficult, but I know that if I continue to work hard, be the best person I can be and help others, I will ultimately be rewarded. I pray that I can be a good person of service who accepts that I sometimes I won't feel good and that's okay. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this and I am thankful for the time you spend with me, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • What I learned about breathing in the miracle of mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

    14/04/2015 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever had that fear where you were afraid you would never forget that you were breathing? I had this fear pretty bad at times when I was younger. The Miracle of Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, helped me to know and take control of my breath. I take each breath like it is a great gift of life, and being mindful begins with taking control of your breath. If you are ever stressed or in danger of having a panic attack, you will notice that your breathing patterns will change or even stop. Controlling my breath helps me be more mindful of the current moment, and forget about the stresses of the past and future. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope you will share what helps you live in the moment! --- Support this podcast:

  • How asking for help saved my life and built my business

    13/04/2015 Duración: 11min

    How do you ask for help? Who helps you on a day to day basis? I was miserable when I tried to do everything by myself. When I first started my business, I never asked for help because I didn't want to accept my limitations. I thought I could do everything better than other people and because of this I became arrogant. Asking for help will make you a better, more humble person, and help you to admit your place in the universe. Ever since I started asking for help on a daily basis it has allowed me to be more productive as far as my work and appreciate the people who help me achieve my goals. I pray today to be of the greatest service to you so that when you need help you can count on me to be there and have already created something that was helpful. I hope you have a wonderful day! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to know yourself and know what the right thing to do is

    12/04/2015 Duración: 09min

    Have you ever heard yourself saying, if I only I knew the right thing to do? I spent most of my life knowing what the right thing to do was, but doing something else. Most of the time this resulted in compulsive behavior, and by acting compulsively I would often times ignore what I knew was right in my heart. By default, your mind will object to things that may be unknown or unfamiliar to you. But, when you ask yourself what the right thing to do is, you will often find the inspiration to do the right thing. I am grateful you took the time to listen to this message, and I hope that by admitting my flaws, I can help myself and others become better people! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to be a great listener and help a friend or family member

    11/04/2015 Duración: 10min

    How many days have you really wanted to help and be there for someone else? What are some of the best ways to help someone else? Most of my life I thought helping someone else was listening to them long enough to be able to give them advice and tell them what they ought to do. In other words, I tried to help people through judgement. Very rarely has my judgement of others or their judgement of me helped. When people are struggling through something, they want to be heard. Listening can be rewarding in many ways, and I have found that the more I listen, the more people pay attention to the words I say. I want to thank my wife for being such a good listener, and helping me improve on my own listening skills! --- Support this podcast:

  • Thank you Eckhart Tolle for inspiring me

    10/04/2015 Duración: 12min

    Who inspires you? Where you do you get the motivation to be a better person? I am grateful Eckhart Tolle inspires me and fills me up with positive spiritual energy. Tolle shares a simple and powerful way of looking at life through being present in the moment. It is important to find someone or something in life that inspires you to be a better person. When I first started working online, I found limited success because I was focused on myself and my own abilities. This changed when I focused on the needs of others. Now, whenever I create marketing tutorials I focus on both the technical and motivational side. Thank you for listening to this, and please share your thoughts! --- Support this podcast:

  • Living as a means to an end versus feeling this moment

    09/04/2015 Duración: 10min

    How many things in your life have you done as a means to an end? Or, where you have tried to do something that you didn't enjoy in the moment but you figured it would be justified by the end result. When I was first starting out, I did a lot of things in my business as a means to an end just to try and earn money off of something. The problem with this idea is you do not want your entire life to be a means to an end. Would you want to think of your life as being a means to death? Life is miserable when it is a means to an end. The most miserable I have ever been in my life was when I achieved everything I ever wanted. The real happiness in life is taking the time to enjoy every moment. I am grateful to have a beautiful spouse, a cozy home and a reliable car. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I appreciate you feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How can I be happy when a problem is overwhelming me?

    08/04/2015 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever had a problem overwhelm you? Did it feel like you were being crushed by the pressure of the situation? When a problem overwhelms me, the first thing I do is create space between me and the problem. Prayer helps me separate myself from the problem. Whether or not you believe in a higher power, the act of prayer greatly helps with separation. Once the problem is at arms reach, it allows me to look at the problem objectively, determine a course of action and ask for help. Sharing your problem with someone will help alleviate the pressure and may even encourage them to share a problem with you. People around the world struggle with problems every day and it helps to know that you are not alone with your struggles. I hope this video finds you at a time when a problem is overwhelming you. I encourage everyone to share a problem they had recently, and what helped you to overcome the situation! --- Support this podcast:

  • Why I try to not make new enemies today

    07/04/2015 Duración: 11min

    How many enemies have you made in your life? How many times have you been frustrated because of the way someone wronged you? I avoid making enemies in my life because making an enemy hurts me. The more I create distance and separation from myself and one part of the world, the more I create distance and separation from all of the world. The mind loves an enemy or a rival because it gives people a sense of self-righteousness. In other words, people want to rationalize their own actions. It's not my place to judge others because I have not walked in their shoes. I went through most of my simply reacting to experiences, good and bad, and failing to take the time to understand why. I want to end the cycle of making enemies, because I have pledged not to create further suffering in my life. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How is life fair and resetting to zero

    06/04/2015 Duración: 06min

    Do you think life is fair? Do you take pride in the ownership of your possessions? The idea of resetting to zero, or the idea that you start with nothing and you end with nothing gives me peace. Ultimately, it doesn't matter how valuable my possessions are because everything eventually fades into nothing. This idea of resetting to zero helps me set aside materialism and focus on the idea of being and treating each and every life experience as sacred. Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, and please share your feedback with me! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to find the sacred in every moment.mp4

    04/04/2015 Duración: 08min

    Which moments in life do you hold as sacred? What gives you a sense of peace, gratitude and serenity? I treat every moment in my life as sacred. When I first lost my dad I struggled to understand why he was taken from me. I immediately turned to alcohol to numb the pain, and if I had continued down this path I would have destroyed myself. Instead, I opted to embrace his death as a sacred moment, and gave thinks that he was now in the Kingdom of Heaven. I now look at every moment in my life, good or bad, as a sacred moment and give thanks for the experience. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you and please share your feedback with me! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to break bad habits and turn laziness into a good thing

    03/04/2015 Duración: 10min

    Do you have trouble breaking bad habits such as drinking, smoking or gambling? Do you have trouble sticking to a diet? Do you have trouble going to the gym? The answer is to control your power points! Over the years I have struggled with sticking to diets, eating unhealthy, consuming too much alcohol, and gambling. Part of the reason I struggled to kick these bad habits was due to laziness, so I decided to make my laziness work for me! If you can control certain power points in your life, you can avoid bad habits all together. For example, if I really want to eat healthy I will avoid buying unhealthy snacks at the store. If I stay disciplined while shopping, laziness will kick in while at home and I will not go out of my way to obtain unhealthy food. If you can establish good habits, laziness will take over and work for you! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to live for today one day at a time and live for tomorrow.mp4

    03/04/2015 Duración: 10min

    Do you live for today or tomorrow? How do you find a balance between the two? What is your purpose? I make daily choices based on if today is the last day in my current body. When I make decisions I ask myself what if it were my last day on earth. I spend time with my spouse whenever I can because if something were to happen to her or me I would not want to regret not having spent more time with her. I hope that you enjoy these daily spiritual videos. I am grateful to have a social following to share my inner thoughts with! --- Support this podcast:

  • Thinking about money: how can you feel better about it today?

    13/11/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    If you are thinking a lot about money and want to feel better about money, you might enjoy this conversation Jerry C and I had about how we think about and act on our thoughts about money! We come a similar background and are in two different places now giving us a unique look at money similar to what you might get out of Rich Dad Poor Dad. --- Support this podcast:

  • Building Your Brand Online: DIY or Hire Someone?

    18/10/2014 Duración: 55min

    Raymmar and I talk about how to build your brand online successfully! --- Support this podcast:

  • Hiring a digital marketing professional: a discussion about inbound marketing

    18/10/2014 Duración: 48min

    Raymmar and I discuss whether you should hire a digital marketing professional, how you should do it, and what points are worth considering! --- Support this podcast:

  • Teleporter Sci Fi Audio Book Story Free Part 1 Germany Army Brat Jan 2014 Wednesday

    18/10/2014 Duración: 01h53min

    If you enjoy a good science fiction story set in the 1990s, you may enjoy hearing about when I learned how to teleport! --- Support this podcast:

  • Monetizing your website

    18/10/2014 Duración: 27min

    Raymmar and I talk about making money from your website! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to beat the 2,000 follower limit on twitter and grow your followers daily

    04/10/2014 Duración: 19min

    Use this Twitter tutorial from 2014 to learn how to get more Twitter followers in 2014 for free and how to get past the 2,000 twitter follower limit! I looked hard for help getting past the 2,000 follower limit and discovered I needed to make a video showing how to do it! You can do it using the unfollowers tool I show how to use in this video for free by following and unfollowing people on Twitter. This video answers questions about what is the Twitter 2,000 follower limit, how to overcome the following limit, what is unfollowers, how to use unfollowers, how to use Twitter in 2014 to drive traffic, and how to get hundreds of new followers each day for free! --- Support this podcast:

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