St Marcus Mke Sermons



Weekly Sermons from St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI


  • Confidence When in Babylon | Daniel: Life in Babylon

    20/11/2023 Duración: 36min

    This week we’ll be studying Daniel 3:1-30 under the theme “Confidence in Babylon.” Daniel’s friends are confident that God will deliver them from King Nebuchadnezzar’s oppression, but also humble enough to not presume to know exactly how God will do it. Their resolve, faith, and faithfulness are all compelling to believers living in a post-Christian culture. Their strength comes from a fourth man who gets into the furnace with them. SERIES SUMMARY: The Book of Daniel chronicles a time in the history of God’s people when the Israelites found themselves in exile in a society that didn’t understand or tolerate the truth of the one true God. As such, it is arguably the most relevant book in the Bible for 21st century Christians navigating a pluralistic society that encourages them to privatize their faith. The courage of Daniel and his friends, emboldened by God’s promises, provides us with a pathway forward. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tiny

  • Tact in Babylon | Daniel: Life in Babylon

    13/11/2023 Duración: 35min

    One definition of tact is “the keen sense of what to do in difficult or delicate situations.” In Daniel 2, we’ll see how two men, Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar, each reacted to seemingly impossible situations. Nebuchadnezzar was irrational, rash, and cruel, while Daniel was able to be diplomatic and gracious without compromising the truth. In a world that is generally disinterested in Christian truth, what do we need to know and believe about God in order to do the same? SERIES SUMMARY: The Book of Daniel chronicles a time in the history of God’s people when the Israelites found themselves in exile in a society that didn’t understand or tolerate the truth of the one true God. As such, it is arguably the most relevant book in the Bible for 21st century Christians navigating a pluralistic society that encourages them to privatize their faith. The courage of Daniel and his friends, emboldened by God’s promises, provides us with a pathway forward. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our

  • Education in Babylon | Daniel: Life in Babylon

    06/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    This week, we’ll be studying Daniel 1:1-21 under the theme “Education in Babylon.” Daniel and his friends are worshipers of the one true God, defiant of false gods, but respectful and self-sacrificial of people with differing beliefs. This provides insight into navigating public institutions in America in a post-Christian climate. SERIES SUMMARY: The Book of Daniel chronicles a time in the history of God’s people when the Israelites found themselves in exile in a society that didn’t understand or tolerate the truth of the one true God. As such, it is arguably the most relevant book in the Bible for 21st century Christians navigating a pluralistic society that encourages them to privatize their faith. The courage of Daniel and his friends, emboldened by God’s promises, provides us with a pathway forward. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • The Sword of the Spirit, Which Is The Word of Truth | The Testimony of Demons

    30/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    This week we will be celebrating the Reformation and studying Ephesians 6:10-20 under the theme “The Sword of the Spirit, Which Is The Word of Truth.” We’re concluding our “Testimony of Demons” series by recognizing the danger of demonizing anything but demons and the power of the clear, coherent Word of God over the spirit realm. SERIES SUMMARY: While all Christians have heard the stories of the demonic in Scripture, very few of us walk around with a daily awareness that we are battling evil spiritual forces. This is, in part, because we live in a deeply secularized, post-Christian America. Satan has learned how much damage he can cause when he makes himself invisible. But if you don’t acknowledge demonic forces in the world, you will always demonize the wrong things. We must be aware of the spirit realm, how it influences us, and how Jesus is Lord over it all. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • The Lucidity of Demons | The Testimony of Demons

    23/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    This week we will study Matthew 8:28-34 under the theme “The Lucidity of Demons.” As we examine this encounter between Jesus and two demon-possessed men, what grabs our attention is the utter irrationality and wickedness of demons. Yet when Jesus shows up, they snap to attention, speak with clarity, and demonstrate a recognition and fear of his power and authority. As people who bear the name of Christ, we rejoice that he has revealed to us not just his power and authority, but also his heart. SERIES SUMMARY: While all Christians have heard the stories of the demonic in Scripture, very few of us walk around with a daily awareness that we are battling evil spiritual forces. This is, in part, because we live in a deeply secularized, post-Christian America. Satan has learned how much damage he can cause when he makes himself invisible. But if you don’t acknowledge demonic forces in the world, you will always demonize the wrong things. We must be aware of the spirit realm, how it influences us, and how Jesus is

  • The Unsaving Belief of Satan | The Testimony of Demons

    16/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    This week we will be studying James 2:18-26 under the theme “The Unsaving Belief of Satan.” The devil not only has knowledge of the true God, but emotion regarding the true God. But knowledge and emotional reaction are not the sum total of true faith. Saving faith also requires trust. SERIES SUMMARY: While all Christians have heard the stories of the demonic in Scripture, very few of us walk around with a daily awareness that we are battling evil spiritual forces. This is, in part, because we live in a deeply secularized, post-Christian America. Satan has learned how much damage he can cause when he makes himself invisible. But if you don’t acknowledge demonic forces in the world, you will always demonize the wrong things. We must be aware of the spirit realm, how it influences us, and how Jesus is Lord over it all. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • The Witch of Endor | The Testimony of Demons

    09/10/2023 Duración: 35min

    We’ll be studying 1 Samuel 28:3-25 and “The Witch of Endor.” One of the more bizarre spirit realm stories of the Old Testament tells the story of how far Israel’s King Saul had fallen. This is the fate of anyone who refuses to fully listen to God’s Word. Saul is a cautionary tale of the importance of listening to God’s Word carefully, trusting God thoroughly, and, therefore, not needing to know every detail of life. SERIES SUMMARY: While all Christians have heard the stories of the demonic in Scripture, very few of us walk around with a daily awareness that we are battling evil spiritual forces. This is, in part, because we live in a deeply secularized, post-Christian America. Satan has learned how much damage he can cause when he makes himself invisible. But if you don’t acknowledge demonic forces in the world, you will always demonize the wrong things. We must be aware of the spirit realm, how it influences us, and how Jesus is Lord over it all. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to o

  • The Conscientious Christian Life | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    02/10/2023 Duración: 29min

    This week we’ll be studying 2 Timothy 3:10-17 under the theme “The Conscientious Christian Life.” Through one of the most famous passages in these letters, Paul explains how Spirit-inspired Scripture is forever useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Majoring in What Matters | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    25/09/2023 Duración: 32min

    This week we’ll be studying 2 Timothy 2:14-26 under the theme “Majoring in What Matters.” Christian witness can be negatively impacted by debating about things that don’t matter much, combining genuine Christian teaching with worldly philosophy, or simply by a lifestyle that doesn’t support our beliefs. In 2 Timothy, Paul provides practical advice for anyone who desires to lead others in faith. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Generational Faith Transmission | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    18/09/2023 Duración: 20min

    This weekend we’re celebrating the gift of Christian education and studying 2 Timothy 1:1-14 with the theme “Generational Faith Transmission.” All through our study of 1 Timothy, we have seen Paul’s pragmatic instructions for overseeing the church. In this first chapter of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he shifts his focus to Timothy’s own faith, prompting us to consider how we will carry out God’s command to pass the faith on to the next generation. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Managing Finite Resources | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    11/09/2023 Duración: 31min

    This week we’ll be studying 1 Timothy 6:6-19 under the theme “Managing Finite Resources.” America has long practiced the belief that happiness can come through consumption. But Paul teaches that how we manage the blessings of this life, and with what attitude, says everything about what we believe is coming in the future. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Caring for the Elderly | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    04/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    We will be studying 1 Timothy 5:1-15 under the theme “Caring for the Elderly.” In the ancient world, long before Medicare and Social Security, it was assumed that family members would provide for aging parents. But sometimes there were no family members to care for the elderly. The Church became the first social organization to assist with the needs of the aging population. Here, Paul gives some practical instructions to his ministry pupil, Timothy, about how the church in Ephesus should handle this. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Youth & Maturity | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    28/08/2023 Duración: 31min

    We’ll be studying 1 Timothy 4:1-16 under the theme “Youth & Maturity.” This section is where we get the famous encouragement to “not let anyone look down on you because you are young” but perhaps it doesn’t mean what you initially think. This section gets into the power of deceiving spirits, the benefit of personal spiritual training, and Paul’s expectation of spiritual maturation. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Spiritual Leaders | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    21/08/2023 Duración: 32min

    This week we’ll be studying 1 Timothy 3:1-13 under the theme “Spiritual Leaders.” The grace of God expressed in Christ Jesus is the predominant theme of Christianity and the one thing that qualifies us for salvation. No human is more equipped than another.  That said, God does establish qualifications for those who will serve as Christian leaders. These are traits desirable for all Christians, both in official and non-official leadership capacities. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • The Who & What of Worship | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    14/08/2023 Duración: 29min

    This week we’ll be studying 1 Timothy 2:1-15 under the theme “The Who and What of Worship.” While this text contains some fairly difficult statements, we can’t get deterred from the clear, primary point. Paul encourages all believers to regularly gather for prayer and encouragement, worshipping the Mediator who made them right with God — their Lord & Savior Jesus.

  • The Worst of Sinners | 1&2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers

    07/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    THIS EPISODE: We’ll be studying 1 Timothy 1:12-19 under the theme “The Worst of Sinners.” Is it hyperbole that Paul, the greatest Christian missionary in history, was the worst of sinners? Is this false modesty? Is it self-effacing religious guilt? Or is there something true here that actually has become advantageous for proclaiming God’s grace? SERIES SUMMARY: Believers in their 20’s and 30’s represent the biggest demographic group at St. Marcus by a decent margin. As such, the Apostle Paul’s encouragements to a younger ministry companion in Timothy are perhaps uniquely beneficial for our congregation. Over the next couple of months, St. Marcus will be worshipping under the theme “1 & 2 Timothy: Pragmatism for Young Ministers.” We will see how God desires for all of his people to carry out ministry, and that youth is no excuse for inaction or immaturity. Rather, Paul says that all who know Jesus as Lord and Savior should seek to “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith a

  • The Comfort of God's Judgment

    31/07/2023 Duración: 32min

    This week in worship we will study Matthew 13:47-52 under the theme “The Comfort of God’s Judgment.” In the last of the “Kingdom Parables” of Matthew 13, Jesus tells us what will happen at the end — the righteous and the wicked will be separated. The idea of judgment rightly evokes feelings of fear and dread, but Jesus reveals to us several things. First, there is nothing to fear for those who are found in him. Next, the kingdom of heaven is unlike any other kingdom on earth. Finally, we have assurance that all things will be made right in the final judgment. We’ll also look at the example of King Solomon in 1 Kings 3 to illustrate that, in Jesus, we have a king who is greater in every way — in his judgment, in his wisdom, and in his love. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Christianity as (More Than) Reasonable | Making Sense of God

    24/07/2023 Duración: 27min

    This week we’ll conclude our Making Sense of God series by studying Romans 11:33-36 under the theme “Christianity as Reasonable.” In a world where “faith” has largely been insinuated to be the antithesis of reason, it’s important to see that the God of all thought is not against logic but uses wisdom that far supersedes what finite creatures can comprehend. This makes him deserving of our praise. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Justice | Making Sense of God

    17/07/2023 Duración: 31min

    This week we’ll be studying Matthew 11:20-30 under the theme “Justice.” Biblical justice is a tricky issue. We should value life the way Our God values it and we are all subject to His perfect and beautiful laws. It is not our role to judge those who are under these laws, only He can do that. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

  • Hope | Making Sense of God

    10/07/2023 Duración: 31min

    Our early summer series will be based on Tim Keller’s Making Sense of God: Finding God in the Modern World. As human beings, we cannot live without meaning, satisfaction, freedom, identity, justice, and hope. Christianity provides us with unsurpassed resources to meet these needs. Using the structure of Keller’s book, we’ll examine biblical texts that provide practical life resources for navigating a post-Christian society. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here:

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