The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan



THE Leadership Japan Series is powered with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The Series is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of leadership, who want to the best in their business field.


  • 494 The Japanese Don't Take Enough Leave

    14/12/2022 Duración: 10min

    Every month, I check the leave balance for my staff and am always unhappy with the numbers.  The team can accrue up to 20 days a year for a maximum of two years, so technically they can have 40 days available, if they don’t take any leave at all.  Anything beyond that 40 days they lose.  In my company we provide an additional 4 days of company paid holidays, plus a CSR day, which they can use anyway they like.  There are 16 national holidays in Japan, so you would think the team would be able to use their leave without feeling they were losing too much of it, but that has not proven to be the case.  I found they still weren’t taking enough leave and thought maybe they were worried about sick leave and so were hoarding their annual leave to cover that possibility off.  I subsequently gave them an extra 5 days of sick leave, but it made absolutely no difference – they keep stowing away their leave and don’t use it enough. As an Aussie, this whole Japanese non-leave taking thing is mystifying.  I try to set a go

  • 493: The Seasons Of Leadership

    07/12/2022 Duración: 13min

    When we first start out in business we are ninja boss watchers, studying our leaders with a level of forensic detail which is remarkable.  How is their mood today? Should I bring up that request or pick another day, etc.? We study how they lead, both the good, the bad and the ugly.  We are rarely mentally putting ourselves in their place, taking their viewpoint but we are quick to discuss the boss’s failing with our colleagues.  Then one day it happens and we are made someone else’s boss. The usual reason that happens is we have demonstrated some strong capabilities in the job we have.  The best salesperson, architect, engineer, accountant type of thing.  Rarely are we able to be a mediocre performer who is great with people, excellent in communication and get the next big job. This is where we hit our first snag, when we realise the people we are leading are not like us.  They don’t necessarily share the expertise in the things we are good at.  They may have young kids, elderly parents, a brilliant hobby, a

  • 492: Why Is Coaching So Hard?

    30/11/2022 Duración: 11min

    Bosses coaching employees is such a critical task, yet so few leaders get any training on how to be effective in this role.  In Japan, the OJT On The Job Training is supposed to provide the guidance needed.  That probably worked back in the 1960s when Japan was doubling the size of the GNP. Today though it is a poor cousin to what it used to be.  Back then, the bosses didn’t ever touch a keyboard.  They  weren’t carrying around the internet armed with supreme connectivity in their hand like today.  The time poor pressure we feel today was probably evident then too, but I think the speed of business has accelerated to an extent which makes comparisons between then and now meaningless. Today’s leaders are doing their own email, answering their own mobile phones and constantly migrating from one meeting room to another.  The one-on-one time needed for coaching has sailed out the window and been replaced with a thin version of OJT.  Time management is a challenge for everyone, including bosses.  I am always aston

  • 491: The Japanese Concept of Shu-Ha-Ri and Leadership

    23/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    The Japanese idea of Shu-Ha-Ri is a combination of three characters – 守破離.  Shu is to protect the traditional techniques, the basics, the fundamentals.  Ha is to detach and break away from the tradition, to innovate and depart from our attachments to what we are doing.  Ri is to transcend to a level where there is no self-consciousness of what we are doing, we make it our own, because we have absorbed it all and it is now part of us.  This transition matches what we go through as leaders.  When we start we are unsure of exactly what we are supposed to be doing but over time we mature as leaders and can raise our effectiveness t greater heights.  Well that applies if we have been properly trained on the way up, which probably makes it difficult for most Japanese leaders to make the cut.  On the Job Training (OJT) is great if your mentor leader provides an excellent role model on which to base your own leadership style.  This is very much a long shot at best in Japan.  Getting proper training however is a much

  • 490: Companies In Japan Need Real Leadership Right Now

    16/11/2022 Duración: 11min

    As a training company, we are the canary in the coal mine about commercial trends and corporate shortfalls.  During a recent Sales Consultants Forum we were discussing client needs and the same theme kept coming up.  Companies are asking about leadership skills around better communication between Middle Managers and subordinates.  What is driving this, more than say sales training or presentation skills needs?  One answer can be Covid-19.  A lot of industries were hammered by Covid and companies had to reduce their team sizes.  With fewer staff fewer managers were needed.  These managers are being replaced now that Covid has been contained or at least the perception is there that it is being contained.  It would seem the Japanese Government would like to move forward and are doing whatever they can to achieve a change in the citizenry’s mentality about the pandemic.  The borders have been opened up and that nightly map of the case numbers in every prefecture has mysteriously disappeared from the NHK 7.00pm ne

  • 489: Four Strategies For Building Confidence In Being A New Leader

    09/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    We work long, diligently and hard.  We are recognised for our devotion and the quality of our output and get promoted.  Instead of being solely responsible for our own results, we are now in charge of our colleagues and we are accountable for their results too.  If we stride around like the boss and are bossy, we are likely to hit some turbulence from the led.  If we are a cream puff, walking around on egg shells, we may be ignored and not taken seriously.  Who knew this leadership gig was so tricky? Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, fraudster misgivings are all crowding our mind as we try to navigate this new role.  We have to be confident without appearing too confident.  Given we are not confident at all, this is a hard needle to thread.  Here are four strategies for helping to build our confidence as a new leader. Self-Acceptance Perfectionism is a curse for the new leader, yet it is a natural goal, as we want to prove that the trust which has been placed in us, has not been misguided.  We get into compari

  • 488: How Do You As The Leader Deal With Two Face-ism In Japan

    02/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    “Japanese are two faced”, is a common complaint you will hear from foreigners in Japan.  The implication is you cannot trust someone who has two faces, so believing what you are told is a folly here and you need to really evaluate the messenger carefully.  It is totally true that Japanese are two faced, in fact they are world champions at it.  Living cheek by jowl for centuries in crowded cities breeds a lot of accommodations and a big one is with the truth.  In the West the truth is absolute, but in many parts of Asia the truth is more relative.  Hence the trust divide between East and West and that includes Japan.   We do it in the West too.  The “little white lie” is a bold faced lie, but we wrap it up in cotton wool and creates the illusion it isn’t so bad.  If your friend, who is obese, tells you she has been trying to lose weight and she has last a couple of grams and asks you how she looks now, what do you say – an absolute truth – “You are still grossly overweight and look like a heart attack waiting

  • 487: The Leader’s Unconscious Biases

    26/10/2022 Duración: 11min

    There is a lot of focus on conscious and unconscious biases at the moment given the  amount of attention being directed at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  In Japan’s case, for  the most part, this is a discussion  about gender and to some extent age.  The leader however faces other challenges, apart from addressing these topical subjects.  We are all witnessing major changes in the workforce driven by Covid.  Many companies have staff continually working from home or are executing a dual shift approach where half the crew take turns attending on specific days.  Leading a remote team is not how we leaders were trained, so there is a lot of gritting of teeth going on.   Leaders are smart enough not to be voicing their preferences for everyone back in the office, under the careful gaze of the supervisors.  The hesitancy is fairly simple – staff retention.  If you are forcing people to work in the office, they may just quit and go to your competitor, who has a more flexible leadership approach and doesn’t deman

  • 486: Leaders Dealing With Bad News

    19/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    When things are humming along beautifully, leading is a snap.  We can even indulge ourselves in some tangential activities because we have been able to remove our nose from the grindstone.  We join a committee in a Chamber of Commerce or a non-profit. We have a spring in our step and effuse confidence and certainty.  Our energy is electric and we infect everyone with our bonhomie.  When the plan has been set and then things don’t go accordingly, we feel we are under assault from waves of challenge after challenge.  We have to be brutal thespians wringing out the maximum leverage possible to mask our despair.  Our team take their direction from us and if we go into a hole of depression, then they will be leaping into that same hole, like lemmings following the leader into oblivion.   We ride the razor edge of concern about the lack of results and the need to maintain our optimism that this ship will right itself and not go down.  If we were emotionally stable all of the time, this may be doable, but we are cre

  • 485: Ensuring Fairness As The Leader

    12/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    Being fair to everyone in the team is one of the most basic elements of leadership.  It builds leader trust, predictability and reliability.  But are we actually always being fair?  Sometimes our own team members try to draw us off the fairness straight and narrow path.  There are those who want to play politics.  No matter how large or small the organisation politics will raise its ugly head at some point.  Obviously the bigger the company the more opportunity for political infighting.  In my observation, those not kept sufficiently busy have the band width to politic inside the firm.  Busy people, working hard and super focused on results don’t go for that option, because they are razor intent on producing results.  I like those sort of people and I hate corporate politicians.    As the boss, we are often oblivious to the underground politics going on inside our companies.  We are like those busy people focused on results just mentioned, so we are working toward results and can miss what is going on around

  • 484: Remote Work Going Forward

    05/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    Some company polices toward remote work are let a hundred flowers bloom, a thousand schools contend.  Others are saying get back in the office right now or leave.  This issue is certainly contentious and there seems to be a preference for Japanese leaders to have their staff under their direct gaze.  What is driving that desire?  Is it that the bosses can’t manage a remote workforce?  Is it that they don’t trust people to do their work under their own accountability?   Is it because they have seen a drop off in productivity?  Or is it because Japan doesn't like too much change and clings to the known, over the unknown?   There are certainly big bucks tied up in real estate costs, especially here in Tokyo.  I can easily imagine companies looking at that expense in their P&L and thinking we could really hack into that cost and use the money somewhere else more productively.  For the first time ever, my landlord didn’t increase my rent at lease agreement renewal time.  They must be really hurting to agree to

  • 483: As A Leader, Welcome Common Enemies

    28/09/2022 Duración: 14min

    I have talked before about the loneliness of the leader.  This is often felt most strongly when facing difficulties.  The entrepreneur, in particular, owns the company, has all of the responsibility on their shoulders and feels the weight of that burden.  I am reminded of the ship’s captains in the age of sail.  They bore the responsibility for the safe delivery of the cargo and passengers to the destination, dealing with bad weather and even worse pirates.  The modern firm captain has the responsibility for the livelihoods of their staff and families.  If we get it wrong we can bankrupt the company or see us taken over by an entity who fires everyone and strips the firm of the goodies.   We face many tribulations of late, especially a global pandemic, the scale of which we haven’t seen since the Spanish Flu in 1918.  I certainly wasn’t around then, so have zero experience or insight into how to deal with the disruptions.  In other words, no smart answers for the challenges being thrown at us.  The years of C

  • 482: Emotional Fitness For Leaders (Part Two)

    21/09/2022 Duración: 14min

    In Part One we looked at Dr. Emily Anhalt research with 100 leaders and 100 psychologists.  She identified seven factors which measure how “fit” we are in this sphere of mental health and we covered the first three: Learn your emotional triggers and biases, understand the emotions of others and find comfort in discomfort.  Today we will continue with the last four points.   Foster a safe space of connection “Psychological safety” as a term has popped up over the last couple of years.  We all need a space where we feel we can be ourselves, where we can relax and let our guard down.  This could be within the family and circle of close friends.  Here is the rub.  Often as leaders we are too busy working to really develop family relationships and deep friendships.    Divorce rates are at about 50% in the West. A lot of this is due to the time being devoted to the work being disproportionate to the time being devoted to those closest to us.  We are constantly sacrificing family and friends for work projects.  I

  • 481: Emotional Fitness For Leaders (Part One)

    14/09/2022 Duración: 12min

    Dr. Emily Anhalt is an American psychologist who has created a gym for mental health, based on research she did with 100 leaders and 100 psychologists who were treating leaders.  She identified seven factors which measure how “fit” we are in this sphere of mental health.  Does any modern leader believe things are going to ease off and leading will become less stressful and more relaxed?  I certainly don’t.  The problem is many of us grew up in the era of harden up, “soldier on” with strife and troubles, suck it up, grit your teeth and bear it.  That era’s level of technology, speed of business, global matrix connectivity was far removed from the complexity we all face today.  We need to be as fit mentally, as we all strive to become physically.  Let’s take a look at the good Doctor’s suggestions.   Learn your emotional triggers and biases This is familiar territory for me because I teach a course called Disagree Agreeably and this is where we look for what we call “Hot Buttons” or triggers that get the temp

  • 479: When The Leadership Student is Ready, The Teacher Appears

    31/08/2022 Duración: 12min

    We are all exposed to leadership lessons throughout our lives, yet for most of the time we are unaware of them.  When we were children, we didn’t think about what it meant to be a leader. Adults were all seen as leaders and they seemed to be unassailable authority figures whom we had to obey. In sports, maybe we were selected as the captain of the team or maybe we weren’t, but either way we didn’t think too much about what it meant to be a successful leader. At University we might have taken on a leadership role in one of the varsity clubs, but we weren’t necessarily thinking about the intricacies of leadership.  We just went with what we had at that point.  The exception though were those students who had decided they wanted a life in politics and so they were very keen to exert their leadership muscles to pad out their resume for future requirements.   When we hit the workforce, we entered a hierarchical world of different pay levels and designated leadership positions.  As new entrants, we may have been gi

  • 478: Leaders Need To Have More Meals With The Team

    24/08/2022 Duración: 12min

    Covid driving us all to work from home has been good for the commuter.  For Tokyo, many people typically face three hours a day in lost commuting time, standing around in packed train carriages, waiting to get to their office or getting back home.  That three hours is now being spent sleeping, playing with the kids, enjoying hobbies or working.  One of the major dilemmas is what happens after Covid has gone or is contained?  Every public opinion survey you read, says that the troops like working from home and are in no hurry to pack that morning sardine can and truck down to the office.  What does that mean for leaders?   Will there be many days in a year when everyone is back in the office?  Will the office have been sized down to save rent money on the basis that people won’t require desks because they have their home desk instead. If there are only going to be a few days in the year for the whole team to gather, then what happens with their relationships with each other and with the boss?  Some issues are

  • 477: Leadership's Necessary Cocktail of Strategy, Culture and Brand

    17/08/2022 Duración: 17min

    Leadership encompasses many required skills and mind sets and it is always interesting to dissect the topic from fresh angles to shed some light on areas where we could be making a bigger effort.  Japan has hordes of managers, but no so many leaders.  The managers here are great at getting the operational side of things humming like a finely tuned engine.  They are brilliant on eliminating errors and avoiding defects.  Deadlines get met, things work well and the wheels of commerce turn as they were designed to do.  Leaders do all of these things, plus some important additions.  They build the people and they set the direction for the enterprise.   There are many levels of leadership and so many levels of strategy too.  The CEO nestled high on the Executive Floor works with the Division Heads and collaboratively they set the overall strategy for the organisation.  At each level below, the leaders should set their strategies to fit under the overall umbrella determined by the big bosses.  Except in Japan mostly

  • 476: The Leader Who Loses Their Integrity

    10/08/2022 Duración: 13min

    All guns blazing the new leader hits the ground running.  They are the new broom, sweeping all the detritus away from the old regime’s reign of terror.  “Embrace me as your saviour”, they say.  Well dressed, even natty, their hair is nice, they look the money.  They are the type of front man the organisation needs and a pleasing contrast to the previous incumbent.  Good looking, articulate, “hail fellow well met” and you think this is looking good.  They take on a much higher profile in the media, because they can carry it off and they can sustain the credibility needed for the public profile they are building.  They say all the right things and they have the right rhetoric for the zeitgeist.  Things are looking good, until they are not.   Covid does terrible things to companies.  It removes portions of the workforce from the front line, so the work isn’t getting done.  It causes the markets to change and the revenues to drop and drop quickly.  The way the leader responds says a lot about who they really are.

  • 475: Who Do You Talk To, When You Are The Leader?

    03/08/2022 Duración: 11min

    Covid-19 cases are skyrocketing every day.  Just when you thought we might be getting somewhere, the latest BA5 variant is spreading like wildfire.  For many businesses this will make no difference, but for many industries like mine, we are watching those numbers like hawks, praying they go down.  Why?  Because our buyers are making decisions not to buy, because of the danger factor of getting the virus.  If buyers reduce or stop buying, the next thing you have to worry about are cash flow prblems.  Can you make the rent and the salary bill every month?  These types of problems are like amoebas – they just keep multiplying.   Any hint of trouble in the business breeds fear in the staff.  Are we going to be okay?  Is this company going down?  Should I be the first rat to jump ship?  If you are not open with the numbers, then you run the risk of supposition, rumours and imaginations in overdrive.  You don’t tell them how bad it is, but they know things are bad and they presume they are actually a lot worse than

  • 474: Leaders, Not Just Managers Please

    27/07/2022 Duración: 15min

    Over the last six months we have been getting a steady stream of enquiry for leadership training.  Covid induced working from home situations has revealed the gaps in the leadership abilities of people who are managers.  The two roles are actually different, but usually companies conflate them, to expect their managers to also be leading.  Did they give them any training to make this leap?  No. Yet they complain about their leaders are only managers and are not doing a good enough job.  There have also been cases where people have been elevated into supervisory roles or leadership roles from the ranks. Not only no training, there has been little or no OJT, the On the Job Training, which has been the core of all corporate training in Japan since the start of the post war period.  Onboarding and on the job training have been impacted by Covid because people are working from home.   Managers are focused on processes.  There are various interlocking processes within modern work which require one piece of work to

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