Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost



Like other Unspoiled! shows, in this one we have one person who has seen the entire series (Jaime) and one who knew absolutely nothing about the show going in (Krista). And sometimes we have special guest hosts from across the Unspoiled! Network. Join us on this crazy magical island!


  • TheConstant - 1.13 Hearts and Minds

    22/12/2016 Duración: 02h09min

    On the ninth day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…nine rows of gardening! And some incest! Kind of. I mean…they’re not related but they were raised as brother and sister…it’s gross, ok? It’s just gross. On a lighter note, we have Hurley’s tummy issues and his shenanigans with Jin. It’s so nice seeing Jin not being a dick, you know?

  • TheConstant - 1.12 Whatever the Case May Be

    21/12/2016 Duración: 01h45min

    On the eighth day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you...deposit box 815! This is a fun one, guys. Sawyer and Kate embark on a game of Wile E. Coyote vs. the Roadrunner as they battle over the mysterious Haliburton case they found in a lagoon. We also learn a little more about Kate's criminal past, and find out why she robbed a bank once. And we have Charlie getting some tough love, and solace, from Rose.

  • TheConstant - 1.11 Cowboy Daddy Issues

    20/12/2016 Duración: 02h05min

    On the seventh day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…seven(teenth) place for Hurley! It’s another Jack episode, guys, and this time we really get into what happened between him and his dad. On top of that, we have the search for Claire and Charlie, a civil but necessary conversation between Sayid and Sawyer, and Charlie almost dying. Oh, and Locke and Boone find something metal buried out in the jungle. WHAT IS IT?!

  • TheConstant - 1.10 Raised By Another

    19/12/2016 Duración: 01h57min

    On the sixth day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…$6K for Claire’s baby! And guest host Maggie! We talk a lot about pregnancy with our guest, as she’s had kids and we haven’t, as well as how awful Claire’s boyfriend is, whether or not the psychic is a creep, and why it took so long for the castaways to do a census of who they all actually are. There might be some celebrity gossip peppered in too. You never know.

  • TheConstant - 1.09 Sorry!

    19/12/2016 Duración: 02min

    On the fifth day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you...an apology. We actually had some major technical issues with this episode and it was completely lost. We chose to not go back and record again because, frankly, we didn't like this episode. The one good thing in it was the golf course that Charlie and Hurley built. So we'll just jump ahead to the sixth day, and forge on.

  • TheConstant - 1.08 Confidence Man

    18/12/2016 Duración: 01h48min

    On the fourth day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…four inhaler refills! And some torture. Oh, the torture. We also learn about the letter that Sawyer carries around, and that maybe he’s just determined to get everyone to hate him because he hates himself and he thinks that’s what he deserves. Do you think Sayid went too far?

  • TheConstant - 1.07 The Moth

    17/12/2016 Duración: 02h01min

    On the third day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…three antenna…antennae?…antennas? Well, three of them, how ever you say it. For triangulating a signal. Just before someone knocks you on your head with a stick. There’s also a bunch of Drive Shaft and one big metaphor! You may need to go listen to some Christmas songs after this just to get You All Everybody out of your heads, but I can’t promise that’ll work. It’s a catchy tune.

  • The Constant - 1.06 House of the Rising Sun

    16/12/2016 Duración: 01h41min

    On the second day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…Two Million Bees! And, you know, some backstory for Sun and Jin. But: bees. So many bees that Charlie had them all over his face but is rewarded for it by getting his beloved guitar back, and Kate and Jack had to take off their shirts between debating living in the caves vs. on the beach. Oh, and they find some old sort of mummified bodies, so that’s…cool?

  • TheConstant - 1.05 White Rabbit

    15/12/2016 Duración: 01h47min

    When Krista and I started recording, we had a bit of a wait as we got everything situated with Natasha and the Unspoiled! Network, so…we just kept recording episodes. That left us with a bit of a quandary now that we’re posting them: how often do we release them? We want to catch up and be ‘current’ with the other podcasts, and that was looking nearly impossible until Krista had the idea to do something to tide people over during the holidays. And so The 12 Days of Lostmas was born!One the first day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…A place for all the water! And some capital-D-capital-I Daddy Issues, just in time for the holidays! In this episode, Jack is either losing his mind or the Island is messing with him because he’s seeing his father everywhere. But he also finds fresh water and a safe shelter, so all is not…lost. (Sorry, not sorry). It’s a good thing he did, because things on the beach have gotten dire, no thanks to stupid Boone.We hope you enjoy this episode, and we’ll be back tomorrow with th

  • TheConstant - 1.04 Walkabout

    12/12/2016 Duración: 01h59min

    I was so excited to talk about this episode! While there are plenty of excellent episodes of this show later on, this one has always held the top spot for me. Locke, as I've mentioned in earlier podcasts, is my favorite character, and the reveal of what exactly the miracle he experienced was just hit me completely in the feels.We hope you're enjoying the show as much as we are enjoying making it for you. We'll be back soon with the next episode! - Jaime

  • TheConstant - 1.03 Tabula Rasa

    07/12/2016 Duración: 01h50min

    This is the first episode to really showcase what the show will be. Its flashbacks are specific to one character, and we learn just enough about them and how it relates to what’s happening on the Island to keep us eager for more. In this episode, we learn a little – and I do mean a LITTLE – about Kate. Is she a grifter like Krista believes? What did she do to have a US Marshal track her all the way to the farmlands of Australia? What happened to Ray? (We may never know the answer to that one).On the Island, we have Jack struggling with the fate of the injured Marshal, the campfire gang agreeing to keep the transmission details from the rest of the survivors, Locke helping Michael look like a good dad, Sawyer trying to do the right thing poorly, and Kate keeping her secrets.

  • Unspoiled The Constant - 2 Pilot Part 2

    01/12/2016 Duración: 01h14min

    In this episode, we learn about Charlie's drug habit, have an interesting moment with Locke and Walt, and some of our survivors go on a little trek up the side of a mountain and encounter a polar bear! Guys, where are we?

  • Unspoiled The Constant - Lost Pilot Part 1

    22/11/2016 Duración: 01h11min

    Join us as Jaime guides Krista through her first time ever watching Lost. In this episode, we land on a weird island, meet some plane crash survivors, and encounter some sort of monster.

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