George Digianni Health And Wellness



Former trainer to Dennis Rodman, Mark Cuban and Michael Dell, George DiGianni is no ordinary fitness professional. George founded 21 Day Body Makeover ( and Genetic Direction (, a leading provider of genetics-based personal health management programs. Both companies currently operate to help customers with unique goals.With over 25 years of experience as a leader in the health and wellness industry, George DiGianni is passionate about helping others transform their lives and achieve profound positive change through personal and professional development. Author, talk show host, and behavior modification and wellness coach, George is a widely sought after speaker who empowers international audiences to redefine who they are and what they can accomplish.


  • Healthy unhealthy food

    29/07/2017 Duración: 41min

    Listen to Dr Webster and I discuss the validity of this approach and decide if you need to make an adjustment in your diet to begin achieve the results you seek.

  • Why do I need a micronutrient test?

    22/07/2017 Duración: 38min

    Micronutrient status is just one but critical piece of your health.  Extensive scientific and clinical studies spanning over 50 years have repeatedly demonstrated that vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies can adversely affect health, from acute infections to chronic disease at any age. Common nutrient deficiencies are due to use of medication, stress/worry, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, too much exercise and disease  

  • Natural supplements effective for pain relief

    16/07/2017 Duración: 36min

    MILLIONS of Americans are using opioids and 2 million are addicted. 33,000 died from overdoses in 2015 alone! FDA is wondering it might help if prescribing doctors had some training in opioids My guest Pharmacist Ed Ponzini Graduated Pharmacy school in 1988 from Mass college of Pharmacy, Boston, Mass. He worked at Children's Hospital in Boston for 6 years Born and raised in Pharmacy, his father was a pharmacist and owner of a pharmacy in Newark NJ Ed has been a practicing pharmacist for 30 years and he’s a partner in two pharmacies. He has a lot of experience in opioid abuse and works closely with his community Narcotics police dept.  

  • Our Topic is YOU

    25/06/2017 Duración: 42min

    We decided to have a show that makes you the topic.  We have no prepared topic because the topic is you and your questions and concerns. We asked for questions on Facebook and live on air.    Below are some of the questions written in, so make to sure listen to us dive in with science backed info on your health.   1. I really need to lose some weight. Type two diabetic that likes to eat, but I am using portion control.  Will walking 2 to 3 miles 3 to 4 nights a week do any good to lower my A1C?   2. What is your take on the Ketogenic way of life?   3. The AHA and others keep flip flopping on fats and oils. Fake news and click bait everywhere. What's your final answer with studies that actually had peer review as it pertains to coconut oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, butter, ghee, etc. VS. the heart, liver, cholesterol, insulin response and trigs?   4. I am actually interested in detoxifying. I am not vegetarian by far although I do wish I could maintain healthy weight on a veggie diet. I was rece

  • Find your purpose

    19/06/2017 Duración: 42min

    My guest Tracy Timm, is a Yale graduate with a behavioral psych degree. She’s a human capital advisor for Dallas’s fastest growing companies and a career coach for executives and young professionals. Tracy said, we spend more hours every week working than doing anything else. Our mindset around work effects our ability to perform in every other area of our lives.  If we hate what we do, but we spend all of our energy pretending to like or just getting through the day, then we have very little left to give to the people in our  lives who really need us By being honest with ourselves and honest with the people around us that we want more and are made for more, we live more authentic and meaningful lives and  build up stores of energy that can sustain us through the hard times but also allow us to be the best version of ourselves Tracy provides one on one coaching to guide you in the direction you want to go helping you create a detailed plan  

  • Gut Bacteria Sugar Cravings and Bone density

    14/06/2017 Duración: 42min

    Dr Webster and I discuss gut bacteria being linked to type 2 diabetes and sugar cravings  We will discuss the cause vs effect of poor gut bacteria balance.  Does poor gut bacteria balance cause diabetes? Or does diabetes causing poor gut bacteria balance? Are you aware of the benefits of pro-biotics and proper use of antibiotics? Have you heard of the profound benefits of Berberine?  This supplement has sugar balancing properties which could be due to the fact that it positively impacts gut bacteria.

  • Weekend Warrior

    03/06/2017 Duración: 46min

    My guest was Dr. Ken Redcross, MD, board-certified internal medicine, who has been featured on TV shows such as “The Doctors,“The Insider” and E! Entertainment Television. Website: Americans are trying to fit everything they can into their schedule, and when it comes time to for exercise some people believe a weekend warrior mentality is better than nothing. We will examine the latest study on weekend warriors benefit and increase risk  Only 1 in 3 adults get the CDC’s recommended amount of exercise each week, A recent study from JAMA finds weekend warrior exercises might still reap health benefits similar to a more ideal daily exercise schedule. The second part of the show we will discuss the Price of Pain while using Pain Meds. The dangers non benefits of muscle soreness for people who take Advil or other NSAID's And are doctors responsible for the painkiller epidemic or is it the patient’s fault?

  • Fake Health Care & weight loss myths

    21/05/2017 Duración: 41min

    Dr. Tim Church, M.D., M.P.H, Ph.D. is one of the country’s leading physicians in exercise and obesity research. Dr Church shares 3 myths of health you're not likely to won't hear in your doctors office 1) Does having breakfast every morning help or hurt fat loss?   Where did this notion begin? Aren't we suppose to break-the-fast? Should we eat breakfast before exercise? Is genetics a factor? 2) Do activity monitors (Fitbit, Jawbone) really prevent weight loss? How accurate is the calorie count on these devices 3) How do you separate fake health care news from real health news? Do you want the truth? Or news with fake studies that suit your belief system?

  • Gluten, supplements

    14/05/2017 Duración: 41min

    Tina Allen and I share important information about three topics that are often over-looked  1You may be aging yourself faster by missing out on this important inexpensive supplement in addition to eating poorly.  2 The 6 most important supplements every vegan needs. Anyone on a vegan, plant-based diet is not always healthier than everyone else. Holistic cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn said that some vegans tend to ignore the need for supplements to achieve their goal of being healthy 3 Too little gluten in our diet may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes? What?  Listen and find out more on the latest research 

  • Exercise tips for home and Gym

    06/05/2017 Duración: 42min

    Personal trainer Tina Allen is giving training tips for strength, fat loss and over-all fitness. From exercising in the gym to your home and will discuss the importance of rest and recovery days. How this helps you move close to your fitness goals. 
 How much does your focus play a role in your strength and ability to reach those fitness goals?

  • Food Dyes

    03/05/2017 Duración: 44min
  • High Intensity Training and Diabetes

    29/04/2017 Duración: 41min

    Dr Webster and I discuss the latest research from the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports who examined the effects of different types of exercise on the body’s ability to process glucose. One group already had healthy glucose metabolism. The second group included those with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. Here is what we address and have known for years. HIIT/burst training and it relation to fat burning, cardiovascular health, detox/cleansing Benefits of Burst that directly benefit bone health- physical impact, reduced cortisol/stress, lowered inflammation.   What I find interesting/frustrating is how science doesn't interview or care to interview the practitioners such as personal trainers and the results they receive with their clients. If they had, they could have learned about the results we/I was having with my clients more than twenty years ago.

  • 150lb Loss Fat To Fit

    22/04/2017 Duración: 28min

    My guest is Ford Baker who contacted me because he felt it necessary to share his story on air to help others who struggle with his former poor habits.   Ford is a former overfat person who lost over 150lbs and has kept it off for three years Ford has 3 goals.    1. He wishes to help others who judge overfat people for eating horribly and not exercising to understand that they are fully aware of how they look.    2. To share what the impetus was that created this huge change   3. To motivate others with his Today I Can message for everyone who struggles the way he did.   We will learn the mind of a former fat guy, the impetus behind his change, how he changed his attitude toward himself, and how he committed to positive change and persisted through hard times.   How did he stayed consistent in his effort to keep his weight off and be the example he needed to be for his family and others who struggle with their health?

  • Know Your Protein Source

    19/04/2017 Duración: 41min

    Coach Mo Dr Webster and I discuss different protein and their role in exercise and tricks to prepare when you’re on the run.   Does protein have to be expensive? Steak vs protein powder.    Have your protein supplement in front of you as we go through a review of what you may not want in your protein supplement.   Cheap protein may not be beneficial and potentially dangerous over time

  • Fat Loss Your way

    15/04/2017 Duración: 42min

    With advances in technology and the advent of the internet, people are well informed and have read every diet book and health blog about how to lose fat.  Most people often say they know what they should be doing yet they fail to do it, and do so with consistency.   So if the lack of information is not the issue to losing and keeping fat off. What is?. Executing our learned info with consistency and the emotional impediments and habits that shape us.   So many people have intentions that extend beyond fat loss, yet they fail almost as soon as they begin to create the new habits they seek.   Have you been told you lack willpower?   Too many people experience shame and self-criticism and do not need someone else telling them they are weak.    As a health professional, it's crucial to identify how your client best receives information and what motivates them. There is no, one-off program unless you use genetic testing, but then even those results have to be implemented.   The Heath brothers who wrote, Switch. H

  • Eating healthy is a disorder?

    12/04/2017 Duración: 42min

    Coach Mo discusses the stress some people with Orthorexia-Obsessive Behavior create. A fear for being unhealthy and low quality food.   These people limit their food to only a certain few choices. They obsess and become unhealthy in their quest to be as healthy as possible.   What is the driver behind this focus?   What else are these people missing out on in life?   Orthorexia is difficult to recognize for most.   What is the level of discipline that is acceptable and where is the line that needs to be drawn to prevent becoming obsessed to the point of being unhealthy?   What are some of the signs? Coach Mo discusses the stress some people with Orthorexia-Obsessive Behavior create. A fear for being unhealthy and low quality food.   These people limit their food to only a certain few choices. They obsess and become unhealthy in their quest to be as healthy as possible.   What is the driver behind this focus?    What else are these people missing out on in life?    Orthorexia is difficult to recogniz

  • Sinusitis cause stroke?

    08/04/2017 Duración: 39min

    It's allergy season and some people cannot avoid serious symptoms which can affect their ability to work and function in normal everyday life. Evidence suggests chronic sinus infection may increase risk of stroke. Sinusitis is a major cost to the economy in terms of healthcare cost, time off work and lost productivity Symptoms include facial pain and pressure, headaches, nasal congestion, nasal drainage, postnasal drainage,fever.   Are you contributing to your allergy issues? What alternatives are there for chronic sufferers? My good friend Dr. Cary Theivagt  joins us to discuss treatment options to prevent long term damage of your health. his website

  • Allergy, Depression & Inflammation

    05/04/2017 Duración: 42min

    Allergy, Depression & Inflammation

  • You Body Is Constantly Speaking To You In Symptoms

    29/03/2017 Duración: 42min

    You Body Is Constantly Speaking To You In Symptoms

  • Tricks to Slow Aging

    25/03/2017 Duración: 40min

    The healthy aging market is a multi-billion dollar industry. The recent advancements in genetic science show us that a customized healthy aging solution is not a guessing game of trial and error.  We're going back to basics today discussing the benefits of certain foods, supplements and exercise  The latest genetic research shows us the way we age is highly affected by that person’s unique genetic profile.  If the food and supps you're consuming don't align with your genetics, you may be accelerating your aging process. Fish oil and its ability to reduce plaque, exercise & its anti-aging benefits & low glycemic foods all slow the aging process.  If you’re not adopting these benefits you may and wonder why your mother or father is looking back at you in the mirror at such as young age, you may want to impede that process right away.   Visit: and learn more about GxRenew to gain insight about the food, exercise routine and supplements that best align with your genetic make

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